
2010-03-12 10:30 am
如果我係single...大學生想summer去USA旅行,申請美國簽証要prepera D咩??

回答 (4)

2010-03-12 3:38 pm
✔ 最佳答案
go onlin check out the procedure.....pay the fee in the bank, fill the form, make appointment for interview......

prove them you are college student in HK, and sure you will back to Hk for next semaster.

bring the bank account, personal IDs.read little information about the America cities,places, history....etc.
tell them that is the things you wish to see when you visit US.....

never metion you have friends or relatives in US....

** hey. where and when you want to go and visit in USA??? maybe we can go ' drink tea' if you visit NYC...... :-p

2010-03-12 07:41:18 補充:
depend how long you stay in US.
for 1 week, you need about $2000 USD + airfare.
2 weeks, $3000 USD + airfare
參考: live in NY over 30 yrs..
2010-03-13 12:24 am
single 女比男難 D. 但又唔代表男仔一定得 wor. 因我細佬就比人 reject 過. 但過左 2星期再去申請又得左. 真係好難講. 睇你遇到邊個官. 外傳如見男官機會大好多. 如見女多死. 我細佬就係第一次見女人. 比佢 rejected. anyway, 講番正題.....所需文件大致如下:--

往銀行交錢先 / 再上網預約print out 網上申請書正副本學生證 (自己 copy 定去 / 個道乜都冇的)身份證 / passport 正副本來回機票正本 / 依家多數係 e-ticket ka lak / 可叫旅行社求其出住一張比你先. 或你訂定你想去既日子 lor. 帶左呢樣機會大好多 ka. 如果唔係佢當你想運吉. e-ticket 上必須有來回日子銀行存款証明. 你需要叫銀行出左証明書, 証明你近 3個月內之存款總和 ka. 咁會好好多. 如就咁帶本紅薄仔去. 又係當你假的. 另外, 最好叫父母入 D 錢落你戶口幾個月先. 做個証明先. 約 10萬或以上. 上次我細佬去申請. 佢有 12萬, 都話佢唔係好夠錢去 ka wor如果你係學生. 係咁上下 la.
2010-03-12 2:22 pm
1. Next semester prove. (something to prove that you will be back to HK study)
For non-student, we need company letter and business card.

2. Bank account is requirement but usually they don't look at it. (you are only student)

3. You need to apply it online with an appointment letter to meet the ambassador.

4. Photo (their photo requirement is different from others) You can shoot it across
the embassy St. John Building. (Go earlier and take the shooting there, just ask
everyone knows)

5. When you meet with the ambassador, speaking English is an advantage. Don't
freak out try to be calm and nice.

Good Luck!
2010-03-12 11:23 am
you can go to the website of u.s. consulate,


i hope can help u!!
參考: myself

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