My Toyota Camry's "O/D OFF" light is on. What does this mean?

2010-03-11 2:41 pm
I saw it this afternoon? Does it mean somethings wrong with the car? What do I do? Thanks

its a 1996

回答 (9)

2010-03-12 12:02 am
✔ 最佳答案
Thats nothing serious to worry about....(like transmission failure nothing like that)

That just means your overdrive is off...

overdrive is only meant for fuel economy, on the highest gear, technically over 40 MPH, the overdrive maintains your RPM's and eventually helps you get good miles per gallon...

to get rid of O/D OFF from dashboard.....(or in other words, turning on your overdrive)

simply just look at your shifter, it should be located somewhere near the left side.

you should have that on BTW....Good Luck!!!
2010-03-11 2:44 pm
There is a switch on your gear selector that will turn the O/D on or off. "OFF" uses more gas. Leave it (O/D) on all the time (light off) for BEST MPG.

Some people believe you must turn off the O/D in city driving, but it's not necessary, as your car will automatically select the correct gear for whatever speed you are driving.
2010-03-11 4:39 pm
Your Overdrive is turned off. That's what that means. There is a button on the shifter to toggle Overdrive on and off. Look at it and read the label so you know it is the button I'm talking about. With the car on, press the button. The light "o/d off" will go out. Tell the kids to not mess with the buttons and switches. If you need to climb a long hill, it is better to turn overdrive off so you have the torque you need to do that smoothly. In other situations have overdrive ON for best gas mileage.
2010-03-11 2:45 pm
It means overdrive is off. You should have a button to turn it back on. MInes at the end of the gear shift, the plastic at the end of the gear shift can rotate. So the O/D off marking could just be spun around to face the dash instead of you.
2010-03-11 2:47 pm
O/D stands for Over Drive. If the light is ON that means the OD is available. If it is OFF that means the OD is disengaged.
2016-09-19 11:23 pm
Maybe that's correct
2016-09-13 1:23 pm
I often end up submitting the same thing on other sites
2016-08-05 3:20 pm
I'm not sure
2014-04-05 2:29 am
You probably should read an expert's opinion.

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