
2010-03-12 3:16 am



Thank you very much~!!!

回答 (2)

2010-03-12 12:19 pm
✔ 最佳答案
halo, 我係英國讀緊書, 希望幫到你丫=]

1) 我自已都in過oxford 的, 如果想佢俾interview 你, 你最好要有好既成績 (i.e 全A會係佢想要既一個成績).. 同埋同一個時間你可aim 係學校入面既top 25 等等既. 因為呢, 每一年apply oxbridge 既人, 都有成幾千人, 而學位只係得數百個, 而個個同你compete 既人, 都會至少有幾個A*咁既, 有一d英國既學生, 佢地可能係top 10 in the country 係某一科既.. 所以呢, 要同佢compete, 真係唔易的... 呢個係你既basic 既條件一, 就係成績..

2) 如果你覺得你既成績可能冇咁好, 即係可能少一個A 咁樣呢, 你就最好做下其他下去補救了.. 好似去做下d society/commetti member, 學下music, 做下orchestra 既leader 等等, 呢一d 呢, 可以令到你個personal statement 好睇好多既, 而佢亦都覺得, 你唔係死讀書的..

3) 同時, 亦可以係summer, 做下work experience (唔係收錢果d M 記啦..) 好似如果你想入law 既, 你可以去law firm 都實習一下, 睇下個system 係點work 既, 而如果你想做science 既,你都可以去做下lab, 睇下有冇識人, 可以refer 到你去果度做既.. 呢一d都會幫到你寫你果個personal statement, 而做既野, 最好就係同你係大學想讀既野, 係related 啦, m記果d, 真係冇野寫的-0-"

4) 有咩要做同注意了, 就係, 你知左, 你想讀咩subject 後, 留意多一d 呢個area 既野, 因為佢地interview, 真係會問你一d opinion 的, 有一d 會問你大學yr1 既野的.. 所以, 最好做多一d extra reading, 因為呢, 如果佢oral intervie田係問你a-level既野, 咁個個都會識得答啦, 所以呢, 佢都係會問你一d 好advance 既topic 的.. 所以呢.. preparation 係好最要的..."

5) 唔知你知唔知cambridge同oxford 都係college system 既呢? 要了解多一d 呢2間大學, 咁到之後, 你先會識得揀邊一個college 係最啱你的..

希望幫到你丫, 有d咩可以再email我的=]
參考: 多年uk留學exp =]
2010-03-12 4:11 am
There are a few requirements u need to be aware of....

(a) you need to have a really really outstanding CE /A level results, depending of the subject you are interested in, you probably need to achieve a few As and Bs.

(b) Cambridge & Oxford required interview, so make sure you are fully prepared for the interview questions, which you can usually do a research in the internet before your interview

(c) starting from now onwards, start training and boosting up your written and oral english. overall, competent english is essential for studying university in UK

(d) keep up with the current affairs, as interviews usually require you to talk a bout a recently interesting case/news

Hope these help!
參考: myself

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