
2010-03-11 6:00 pm
點解男朋友同的對話真係好似朋友咁 , 只是就幾分鐘電話 , 明知我在外面都唔會說句"小心d" "天氣冷穿多件衫之類說話" , 或早點休息 , 只是我向他說 , 都唔係似唔似男朋友的態度 ? 大家認為知心可以傾到計找朋友 , 而不是男朋友可以成立嗎 ? 因為我男朋友好悶 , 很難同佢傾心事以及同佢打電話時間很短 , 大家認為怎啦 ! 但出街就ok一起吃飯行下會送我去巴士站等.......很煩!

回答 (4)

2010-03-11 6:30 pm
✔ 最佳答案
2010-03-12 4:02 pm
no idea how old he is wor...??

maybe he still a boy, so not know how to please girl.

maybe he perpare only be your friend, not boy friend... so, he is no need to care you in those interm acts.

i think you running too fast in this relationship. slow down and wait for him catch up lar.

a test you can try:-

stop call and see him for about a week without any reason,,
see what he react.??
if he call you, first couple times answer you are busy and hang up....
if he treat himself as your BF, he will get nevious and rush to contact you..
otherwise, you know you had make a mistake lor...!!

2010-03-11 9:05 pm
既然出街系冇問題 , 你地關系就冇問題 !

因如果系情變 / 當朋友的話 , 連去街都吾開心 !

傾電話時間很短, 吾緊要 :

佢可能真系吾想用電話 , 想當面見你 !

其實天氣冷穿多件衫之類說話吾需要多說 :

重要在 , 平時大家對大家系點 ,

如果系好就ok !
2010-03-11 7:08 pm

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