
2010-03-11 5:16 pm

回答 (2)

2010-03-12 12:52 am
✔ 最佳答案
首先合約上有冇寫明洗衣機係業主 ka 先? 如有, 咁就係業主包 ka la. 佢要買過部新既比你. 當然由業主自己選番型號啦. 呢竦機, 你走時唔會搬走 ka la ma. 故應該由業主100%負責.

但如合約冇寫明. 咁你就要同業主傾傾啦. 睇下你個業主是否小家既人 lak.

我之前租屋. 估約上寫明有兩套鎖匙 / 兩部冷氣 / 一部洗衣機 / 一只雪櫃咁既. 後來部冷氣壞左. 都係業主比錢換 ka jar.
2010-03-11 5:42 pm
You should notify the landlord for the mal-function of the washing machine. Normally, the landlord is not going to repair it but the user, the tenant. You should check it in the tenancy whether there is such a clause for this arrangement. If you are going to buy a new one, you should get a prior consent from the landlord that the old machine will be disposed. You then have no duty to deliver the said machine on termination of the tenancy. It is not a good arrangement for the ownership of the machines be shared equally. This will also create a new agreement on the ownership of that machine when you are going to move out on termination of the tenancy.

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 19:48:41
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