cat not drinking after car accident?

2010-03-11 12:34 am
My cat got injections on Saturday and she is an indoor outdoor cat but we didn't let her go out on saturday because after shots you get a fever. She left on sunday night though and never came back. we looked for her and on tuesday we were coming home and she was walking on the sidewalk drenched in blood. we took her to the animal hospital right away and they kept her for overnight observation. they gave her anti biotic shots and some other ones. she was really critical her eyeball is swollen and her throat is completely congested with the dried up blood and so is her nose. so she is breathing from her mouth so her throat is very dry. she is not drinking any water or eating any food WHAT SHOULD WE DO? I'm really scared and i called the vet and they said if she isnt eating then bring her in tomorrow and we will see what to do but i think they're just trying to make more money.

回答 (7)

2010-03-11 8:17 am
✔ 最佳答案
try a different vet .. also since shes dehydrated give her pedialite. its vet approved. from experience shes not gonna drink it on her own. so go to petco and buy a syringe from the bird section. and give it to her by mouth.mix it with a lil bit of water. it will help her stay hydrated. and it has alot of electorlites. her body might be in shock and its causing her not to eat.. also get a warm wash cloth and pat her nose . to help break up any of the dry blood. gosh how sad tho. i really hope ur kitty is going to be okay. ill be praying for her! goodluck
2010-03-11 12:48 am
If you take her to the vet they can rehydrate her with fluids since she is not eating. Did the take x-rays when she was there after the accident, and check for internal damage? You can try giving her can cat food or can tuna, anything to get her to eat, sit with her, pet her, talk to her when you put out her food. If she is congested she can't smell her food what stimulates her to eat, along with being sore. hope this helps.
參考: i am a l.v.t
2016-10-11 7:54 pm
fortuitously you're the two ok yet sorry to pay attention relating to the van and different issues. The breathalyzer could be completed by potential of the officers on the scene in the event that they have the kit yet no longer all departments try this. many cases they do the assessments on the station and optimistically they did for this reason yet not sure in case you may get copies of those records, some thing you will could study into. Your lawyer can consistently subpeona the suggestions if this is going to court docket. touch the records portion of the police branch the place this exceeded off and locate out the thank you to get a replica of the document and what it is going to fee for that replica ~ then while that's waiting, pass down and purchase a replica. you could consistently make copies off that for all people else who could opt for one yet mark yours with a yellow mark on the main appropriate of each unique internet site so which you recognize which pages are yours. additionally touch the well being center and locate out the thank you to get copies of your scientific document and while you're having issues along with your neck, this is recommended to do persist with-up visits with a neurologist and rfile your injuries and any remedies by way of them. additionally get copies of your daughter's known practitioner pass to so which you will teach she became into regarded at by potential of somebody. shop your self some money by potential of having copies of all the records you could so which you will no longer could pay the lawyer for the time they placed into getting all that suggestions. seems such as you have sufficient money issues with out that, too. sturdy success to you and your daughter and need all is going properly.
2010-03-11 1:02 am
I too had this problem. Cats are very sensitive animals, and they don't like to eat or drink when they're sick. The need water badly because they already have very fragile kidneys. In general, many cats don't drink much water and this can be a problem for kidney and liver function. Your cat's throat is probably sore, and he may be reluctant to eat because he's using his windpipe to breath. When he eats, his oxygen supply is cut off. He will not get better if he does not eat and drink. You must make him drink and eat too (if he won't take food within 24 hours). Get a syringe from the vet (they'll give you a couple for free), or you can purchase one from a pet store. Fill it with water and keep track of how many (MLs of water you are giving him). Put the pointy tip of the syringe into the corner of his mouth and steadily press down on the syringe to release the water into the back of his mouth. He will open his mouth instinctively, and will swallow, but you must do this fairly quickly to avoid traumatizing him. You don't want to torture him by delaying the delivery of this water. You must release him a bit to allow him to swallow the water and ensure it goes down the right pipe. He'll track the water down the right pipe instinctively when he has water in his mouth, but again, you don't want to drown him. Do 1/2 of the water in the syringe, let him breath, then quickly do it again. Do this once every couple of hours if you can so you can moisten his throat (this is NOT a good water delivery method, for water, he'll need an intravenous drip from the vet if you can afford it, otherwise they will give you a bag of fluid attached to needle, then release the water just under his skin from the bag, through the needle inserted under his skin - you may have to do it at home yourself if you're broke. His body will absorb the water this way, but one day of intravenous fluids is best). Hopefully when his throat is moistened, this will encourage him to drink on his own. The next day if he isn't eating, you'll need to make a gruel of water and soft cat food. Mix it in the syringe until it's runny. Hold him down using a towel and your body weight. Do not use the scruff of his neck, or he won't be able to swallow. KEEP HIM STILL with your weight! He'll be upset, but this is best for him. Place it in the corner of his mouth, and quirt 1/2 of the syringe's contents into his mouth. He will swallow it on his own. Then, do the other 1/2 of the syringe. You must feed him two syringe's a day this way until he'll eat on his own. He will NOT get better if he won't eat and drink. This method gets him water and food in one go. If you need more help, I am more than happy to talk to you on the phone, and guide you through exactly what you should do. Just shoot me an email w/your number, and I will call right away.
2010-03-11 12:55 am
As a cat lover myself, I share your pain. Your cat is very critical. Not drinking water could mean that her kidneys are failing. Not eating foods may be a result of internal injuries. Cover her up with lots of blankets to keep her warm. Wipe all visible blood from her face using a wet towel. This will allow her to breathe easier. Try to offer her milk. Just pour some milk in a small dish and leave it by her side. Pet her very gently to relax her and to show her that you love her. Use a humidifier to saturate the air with moisture so that her throat won't dry up. Your vet may offer to put her down when you bring her in again. Don't. Your cat still has a good chance to recover.
2010-03-11 12:43 am
First of all i am sooo sorry for you that is really sad if that happened to my cat i would be crying to death....... but anyway maybe she inst eating or drinking because her throat is like raw and bloody on the inside and it hurts to swallow and eat. Ask the vet if there is anyway to get the blood cleaned up from her throat and maybe use a baby wipe and wipe the blood off her nose as best you can that could help. Try to wipe the blood off her fur because i heard it isnt good to leave dry blood on anything for to long. Hope this helps :( im really sorry
2010-03-11 1:04 am
if there is blood in your cat's nose she will not eat or drink because basically she breath through her mouth if she tried to eat or drink that will mean that she will not be able to breath while eating or drinking you must clean her nose and see whats wrong with her and that's one of the bad side effects of having and OUTDOOR cat i never let my cats out because i will never know what could happen to them if you trained your cat to be indoor nothing could have happened to her poor cat take her to the vet again and ask him for his help that's what are vets for he is not trying to make money your cat's condition is very serious that's all.
參考: 22 cat owner/lover

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