2010-03-11 4:39 am
1.Calculate the energy released by an earthquake with each of the following
magnitude on the Richter scale.(Give the answers correct to 1 decimal place.)

2.Find the ratio of the energy released by the earthquakes with magnitudes 6 and 7 on the Richter scale. (Give the answer correct to 1 decimal place)

回答 (1)

2010-03-11 5:36 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. Based on the formula log E = 1.5M + K, sub in M = 2,4,5 and 9, you can find the corresponding value of E. (Value of K is as stated in the textbook).
Let A = energy of level 7,
so log A = 1.5(7) + K = 10.5 + K ...............(1)
Let B = energy of level 6
so log B = 1.5(6) + K = 9 + K ..............(2)
(1) - (2) we get
log A - log B = 10.5 + K - ( 9 + K) = 1.5
log(A/B) = 1.5
so A/B = 31.6 (1 dec. pl.)

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