中文文章譯作英文(望英文高手幫助) 20分

2010-03-10 12:16 pm

在這畫之中,我們可以看見一棵荷花. 荷花在中國眾多花之中有著貴族的稱號. 正正是因為它除了擁有華麗的外表之中, 其花香也十分撲鼻.因此就經常成為被畫的對象.
紅紅的荷花被我以綠草所襯托, 正正因為如此才能更加特顥出荷花的美 .此外長長的綠草也是襯托荷花的工具之一.
這副畫喚起了我不少 回憶,小時侯 外婆每逢假期 也會帶我到湖邊賞花, 在湖邊跑來跑去真是十分快樂,當時的我十分童真,每每想起真是十分感動.可惜這種童真是再也找不回了.
最後, 我想說的真是這副畫除了提升了我的畫畫技術外,也勾起了我不少美好回憶.每一筆也令我想起我很久沒有探望的外婆,我想這次復活節 也必定會於百忙之中抽空去拜會一下她.

回答 (2)

2010-03-14 4:40 am
✔ 最佳答案
In this picture, we can see a lotus. Lotus has a meaning of lobal in Chinese flowers. It is because its gorgeous and its lovely smell. Therefore, it was also be drawn.
I put the red lotus together with the green grass. It is because it can show the beauty of the lotus. And also, Grass is a good tool to put together with the lotus.
This picture arouse my memories. When I was a little child, my grandmother will bring me to a lake to appreciate the flowers on holidays. It was really very happy when I run beside the lake. I was very childlike at that time. Every time when I think about it, It makes me feel very touch. But I can't find this feelings anymore.
At last, I want to say that this picture makes my drawing technique better. It also brought back many beautiful memories. I also remember that I haven't visit my grandmother for a long time already. I will go to visit her in this easter holiday even I have many works to do.
參考: myself
2010-03-10 5:13 pm
In this picture, we may see a lotus. The lotus has aristocrat's title in the Chinese numerous flowers. Just is precisely because it except has in the magnificent semblance, its flower fragrance also greets the nostrils. Therefore frequently becomes the object which draws. The red lotus is served as contrast by me by the green grass, because of this can be even more especially white and shiny the lotus US. In addition the long green grass also serves as contrast one of lotus tools. Time this vice-picture aroused me many to recall, was small the grandmother can also lead me on the vacation to view the flowers to the bund, was upon the jump in the bund is really very joyful, the my child is very real, often remembered is really is moved. What a pity this kind of child was really also cannot retrieve again. Finally, what I want to say was really this vice-picture besides promotes me to paint pictures the technology, also cancelled my many happy recollections. Each also makes the grandmother who I very for a long time remember me not to visit, in spite of being very busy I will think this Easter also surely to find time to visit her.

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