
2010-03-10 7:26 am

回答 (2)

2010-03-10 10:59 pm
✔ 最佳答案
2010-03-11 8:56 pm
ATP is a kind of polynucletude, it is produced in both aerobic respiration and anaerobic respiration. in marathan, about only 5-10% of energy is produced from anaerobic respiration, but about 95%of energy produced in 100-m race is from anaerobic respiration since a large amount of energy is needed rapidly in 100-m race.the rate of aerobic respiration is relatively slow, since it has four stages, glycolysis, oxidation of pyruvate, krebs cycle and electron transport chain.anyway, that's not the point.
you use aerobic respiration as the main way of generating ATP in marathan, and what it need basiclly is just oxygen and glucose. but actually CoA is needed in the oxidation of pyruvate, CoA is made up of fatty acid and amino acid ( i am not sure about it, but fatty acid is a MUST).and it can be reused.
So,as a conclusion, it uses glucose, oxygen and a little amount of fatty acid .the fat used is not much.there should not be much stuff related to the liver.
參考: myself

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