F.4 Chem

2010-03-10 6:45 am
Explain (with equation)what you would observe for any reaction that occurs .

1) an iron nail is left in a beaker of magnesium sulphate solution for about 30 minutes.

2)a piece of strontium(Sr) is added to a beaker of cold water.( strontium is between calcium and barium in group ll of the periodic table)

3)a bent iron nail is left in a gel containing rust indicator for one week.

4)a piece of steel is wrapped with some copper wire and placed in a shallow dish with tap water for a day.

回答 (1)

2010-03-10 8:58 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Fe+MgSO4--->Fe+MgSO4 (NO REACTION since Fe is less reative than MG)
the two side of the iron nail will show pink colour and the other part will be blue since it rusts because it is bent which will increase the rate of rusting.

Fe rusts faster since it is connected to Cu which is a less reactive metal than Fe. and there is water and air(Oxygen) for rusting to occur.

hope that can help you

參考: myself

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