COGS 在一間service公司可以用到嗎?

2010-03-10 1:50 am
我對cogs有點迷糊....... consultancy公司會用到cogs嗎?

1. 如果公司是一間顧問公司, 用自己公司本身的同事財產應該只是當salary一個expense ?(例如要同事唸橋黎幫人地公司發大黎做...當中又不會有其它支出)
2. 咁如果公司要在外面再找更有資深的人幫手....那是當cogs嗎?還是出現在expense裹的service fee paid?
2. 如果同事要買材料例如幫顧客做1000個膠袋...(同事門要找出面的supplier來做,因為自己本身沒有能力)....那麼收到的材料單是計在cogs吧?


【 集思廣益譜新章 】: 2. 你說的dr. outside service 是指放在expense裹的 還是cogs裹的? 因為找資深的人幫手做就似出面搵人做(例如搵資深會計師入數-算是service)... 跟住向顧客收貴d (貴過比資深人的錢, 從中earn income)...


3. 因為p&l 裹的排例次序是revenue第一,cogs第二,兩者雙減才是gross profit, 然後第四是expense.所以把cogs和expense2個分別入數是重要的.第三題我講得不是很清楚, 如果同事幫手設計膠袋,令顧客不能在外面買到,但同事只能設計logo跟外型,因為沒有能力制做1000個膠袋,所以同事才找外面的supplier來制做,當中同事要給supplier 1000元制作費,同事送完整制成品1000膠袋給顧客,顧客給2000元公司當service income,那1000元制作費應該book入cogs嗎?2000元應該service income吧?


PS. 入數在EXPENSE裹的.....都只是ADMIN的費用嗎? 入COGS是因為公司本身有買INVENTORY, 然後賣出更高價給顧客. 但若果是以上的顧問公司,又不是固定每月入貸, 而且每次都可能不一樣(可以是杯,日厝etc) 而且是雖要加工的(設計好了才給supplier做). 這樣應該是放入cogs吧?

回答 (1)

2010-03-10 4:22 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. The giving of an idea to the customer is a part of the services provided by the company. No additional expense incurred by the company. The company pays salary to the staff purely having an employment contract with the staff. The company also has to pay for the MPF contribution.
2. If an outside help is taken, the company has to pay for the services rendered by this outsider. The expense should be recorded as Dr. Outside Service. And, this is a part of the job cost of services rendered by the company.
3. This should be charged to the job cost - materials. The materials so purchased is not for selling as a trading but a part of the cost of a job.

Note: The company is rendering a service to outsiders and not selling goods. The Cost of Goods Sold is not applicable to the company. The company should has no sales but a Job Income or Service Income. Any expeneses should be classified as Job Costs.

2010-03-09 20:24:57 補充:
You can use Consultancy Fee ( Services ) Income - Services Fee - Job costs ( Materials, Travelling etc..) to give you a gross profit on Services Income.

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