
2010-03-09 10:22 pm
I am very dissatisfied with your company staff (XXX), after several telephone communication with (XXX) her attitude is very bad and she is not seriously. Her behavior makes me feel very unhappy and extremely disappointed, on the other hand I want to commend another outstanding staff, her name is (XXX), from the beginning of things happened in the end, she was the way helpers follow-up attitude to do things seriously, is definitely a good employee.

我想問打既語法有冇問題, 麻煩改正. THX

回答 (3)

2010-03-10 1:04 am
✔ 最佳答案
請原諒我把你的寫信格式稍為更正, 但你實質的投訴我並不知情,所以唯有儘量就原信寫出例子如下:

The General Manager,
xxxx Company,

Dear Sir or Madam,
kindly take note of my formal complaint hereby against one of your staff, namely xxx(被投訴人的名字) of his (或her) reluctance to offer any help to my problem in spite of our communication with each other on the phone for several times.His (或Her) irresponsile and impolite attitude nevertheless made me so annoyed and disappointed. Simutaneously, I must hereby present my sincere compliment to a good employee of yours, Mr. xxx (或 Miss xxx) who thereafter politely and sincerely helped me to have the problem appropriately solved from alpha to omega (解由頭到尾).
Your kind attention to my complaint will be much appreciated.

Yours faithfully,

參考: my English knowledge
2010-03-10 12:51 am
我買左一件物品有問題要 exchange , 其中一個 staff 用好惡劣既態度去處理呢件事, 所以我想用一d 好嚴重既字眼去投訴佢, 另一個員工就好好人幫我解決所有問題, 我想讚賞佢.
其實我可以點打... 麻煩你幫忙.
2010-03-10 12:17 am
You need to mention about what you're not satisfied with, it shouldn't be a person, but the attitude of somebody,

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