換新避震器, 慢車有時會有少少雜暗? (20分)

2010-03-09 8:11 pm
前幾天去了九龍灣某大型改車公司, 更換bilstein b8避震器 及 ESPELIR彈弓 (要另加上波子塔頂配合)

第一次裝, 裝完車身太高, 有整個拳頭位咁高, 再落地試試. 發現慢車行爛路時, 有會噗噗聲. (包括直路, 左彎, 右彎)

第二次, 我要求師父, 改低一點, 所以師父將彈弓cut短少少. 裝完之後, 高身令我滿意(約兩三隻手指位). 但慢車行爛路仍有少少噗噗聲(但比第一次裝, 少了很多噗噗聲), 我問裝避震的師父, 佢話係正常?????

是彈弓碰撞聲? 是波子塔頂聲? 還是什麼可能??

各位師兄, 請幫手.

相信師兄定必係改車達人. 可否由e-mail介紹一個公司給我!? [email protected]


師兄, 仍收不到你回覆 或 [email protected] 如你所說, 彈弓配合錯了, 咁bilstein咁佳配合係咩彈弓? Apexi? H&R? or .... 其實我希望今次換避震可以做到二至三隻手指的高度(高後車呔與車身), 又可以比絞牙避震更舒服, 亦可以有更好的寧靜度. 我車是2001年 acura. 先謝謝師兄幫助, 我已搵了數間車行....佢地竟然叫我番番去裝個間車行度搞... 但我已對個間車行沒了信心. 萬分感激!!


最後有朋友升起了架車來看. 佢發現問題, 或者係源頭令車行爛路會有噗噗聲. 佢話彈弓同bilstein錯配了. 竟然彈弓鬆到可以左搖右搖...

回答 (2)

2010-03-09 8:36 pm
✔ 最佳答案
一間真正專業嘅鋪頭同師傅係唔會同個客 cut彈弓嘅.
彈弓本身嘅量度單位係 kg/mm. 即係每一個高度單位可以承托幾多重量. 越短身嘅彈弓, 每 mm嘅高度要承托嘅重量就要越大, 所以同一部車, 換彈弓時較矮身嘅彈弓就會越硬.
而家你剪過條彈弓, 先唔理個埋口位收得好唔好, 彈弓短咗, 物料相同, 即係唔夠硬身, 架車喺唔平嘅路面時就會有拋同 bottom out情況出現 --急剎車時, 車頭有機會唔夠撐而因為重心過度轉移去前面而影響剎車功效.
講番雜聲, 可以係彈弓過硬而吸震筒唔夠快緩衝到, 亦可以係波子塔頂嘅原因, 亦可能係新硬避震彈弓加速原裝杯士老化, 避震部件同部件之間喺度磨.
以上除咗波子塔頂係” 正常” 之外, 其它都唔正常. 吸震筒同彈弓唔夾係佢地介紹錯貨比你, 杯士老化可以建議你換.

2010-03-09 16:08:53 補充:
我用Yahoo 知識去你 profile 直接記信比你. 如果收唔到再話我聽.

2010-03-11 09:20:13 補充:
剪過彈弓, 短咗, 但係你條避震唔係短芯彈弓

2010-03-10 9:48 pm
mlmorpyramid is correct.If your pillow ball mount (波子塔頂) is made from metal, it will make noise when it rub against the chasis/body.

Cutting springs is so "unprofessional". People cut springs to lower cars back in 1980s when they were in a budget. But, it is easy to lose control and cause accidents.

There are many combination for Bilstein shocks, like Eibach Pro springs. What car do you drive? Which year? You should do more research online especially on Honda/Acura forums.

I've used Eibach Pro kits, HKS HyperMax, Ground Control with KYB AGX & custom springs, Koni yellow with Neuspeed race springs, Buddyclub N+ Spec and KW coilover on various cars that I own/ed.

Most Japanese manufacturers has stiff springs and softer shocks characteristics. As a result, it gives faster and sharper response. However, it reduces daily drive comfort dramatically. On the other hand, European designs focus on shocks. It has a wider range of adjustment on shocks with softer springs. This gives you solid feeling from the ground and precision. The ride comfort is also super. ;) That's why usually European suspensions cost more. The shock design are more complicated and has a higher material cost. Ohlins is great if you can afford it. KW from Europe is as great as Ohlins with 1/2 the cost. ;) If you are on a budget and can't afford a good set of coilover, Ground control is a good option to turn your shock/springs combo with height adjustment. Have fun.

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