幫忙中翻譯英, 謝謝!!

2010-03-09 4:24 pm
預計3月22日可完成做貨, 可向船公可預留船期.

回答 (4)

2010-03-09 4:39 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Goods could likely be delivered on 22 March, 2010. Please arrange a booking of the shipping of the goods.
2010-03-10 6:02 am
Goods will be ready for shipment on 22 March,
please place shipment booking to shipping company/forwarder
to reserve vessel space.
2010-03-10 3:30 am
Is expected to be completed by March 22 so cargo can be made to the public and can be reserved for sailing boats
2010-03-09 6:43 pm
Is expected to be completed by March 22 so cargo can be made to the public and can be reserved for sailing ships.
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