left-tail t test

2010-03-09 12:20 am
left-tail t test
H0: b1>= 0.3

t*= 5.5857

should i reject H0???

My decision is do not reject H0 since t*>- tc.
But the notes said should reject H0, since t*> tc.

I don't understand why should reject H0.
If you konw which one is correct, please tell me....since i'm frustrated and i
have test on tue

Thank you very much!

the calculated t* is positive, not negative, that's why i feel confused. is that t* in left tail t test cannot be positive? t*= (0.5091-0.3)/ 0.0357 = 5.857 thank you vey much!

回答 (1)

2010-03-09 1:30 am
✔ 最佳答案
The notes seems correct since the H_0 is >=, you should use left tail test with the critical value t_c=-1.860. Since t_calculate = - 5.5857 which is smaller than 1.860 (some people like the format |t_calculate|>t_c), reject H_0 and conclude that b1 < 0.3.

2010-03-08 17:30:43 補充:
is smaller than -1.860

2010-03-08 17:33:12 補充:
應該0甘講﹐t_c是1.86﹐但其實您是在看-1.86﹐因為t_calculate =-5.5857 < -1.86﹐因此reject H_0

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