
2010-03-09 12:35 am



3. Results and discussion
The essential oil of L. bipinnata obtained on extraction was analysed by gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC–MS). Twenty-nine components, representing 72.38% of the total essential oil, were identified (see Table 1). The constituents identified by GC–MS analysis, their retention indices and area percentages (concentrations) are summarised in Table 1. The essential oil was
dominated by terpenes and alcohols which accounted for 34.44% and 28.03% of the essential oil, respectively. The major terpenes were pulegone (8.45%) and camphor (7.09%) while the alcohols consisted mainly of transcarveol (18.93%) and menthol (5.89%). Other terpenes present in appreciable amounts are caryophyllene oxide (3.68%), linalyl acetate (3.37%), bicyclogermacrene (3.09%) and thymol (2.35%) as mentioned in Table 1. The chemical composition of the essential oil was, however, different from that observed from other Lavandula species. Carveol and pulegone are used as a fragrance in cosmetics and flavour additive in food industry, pulegone is also used in aromatherapy. Camphor and menthol are readily absorbed through skin and produces a felling of cooling and acts as a slight local anaesthetic and antimicrobial substance. There are anti-itch gel and cooling gels with camphor and menthol as the active ingredients. The essential oil of L. bipinnata is rich in transcarveol, pulegone, camphor and menthol and hence it can be used as a source of these components.

揮發油的羽葉薰衣草獲得提取進行了分析,用氣相層析質譜儀(GC - MS)的。 29個成分,佔 72.38%,佔總揮發油,被確定(見表 1)。該成員確定的GC - MS分析,其保留指數和面積百分比(濃度)列於表1。該精油主導萜和醇的佔 34.44%和28.03%,揮發油,分別。主要萜類是胡薄荷酮(8.45%),樟腦(7.09%),而醇主要包括transcarveol(18.93%)和薄荷醇(5.89%)。其他萜類存在於可觀的金額石竹烯氧化物(3.68%),乙酸芳樟酯(3.37%),bicyclogermacrene(3.09%)和百里香酚(2.35%) 補上中文


中所提到的表1。的化學成分的揮發油然而,有別於其他薰衣草觀察到的物種。香葦醇和胡薄荷酮的用途是在化妝品和香水氣味的添加劑在食品工業中,胡薄荷酮還用於芳香療法。樟腦及薄荷很容易通過皮膚吸收,並產生了砍伐的冷卻和充當輕微的局部麻醉劑和抗菌物質。有止癢凝膠和冷卻凝膠與樟腦及薄荷腦的活性成分。揮發油的湖羽葉豐富 transcarveol,胡薄荷酮,樟腦,薄荷腦,因此它可以作為源這些組件。 接著的地方

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2010-03-09 11:39 pm
✔ 最佳答案
從二回羽葉薰衣草萃取的香精油,以氣相色層質譜法(GC-MS)分析。以GC - MS分析法,鑑定出二十九種成分,佔該香精油總量的72.38%(參看表一)。表一總結了從GC - MS分析法所鑑定的成分、其保留指數、以及面積百分率(濃度)。如表一所述,該香精油主要含萜烯類和醇類,分別佔香精油的34.44%和28.03%。萜烯類主要包括胡薄荷酮(8.45%)和樟腦(7.09%),而醇類主要包括反香芹醇(18.93%)和薄荷醇(5.89%)。其他具相當分量的萜烯類還包括氧化石竹烯(3.68%)、醋酸芳樟酯(3.37%)、雙環吉馬烯(3.09%)和百里酚(2.35%)。可是,該香精油的化學組成有別於從其他薰衣草屬品種觀察所得。香芹醇和胡薄荷酮用作化粧品和食品工業上香味添加劑的香味劑,而胡薄荷酮亦可用於香薰治療。樟腦和薄荷醇易被皮膚吸收,產生清涼的感覺,可作為輕微局部麻醉劑和抗菌劑。有些止癢膏和燙火膏以樟腦和薄荷醇作為有效成分。二回羽葉薰衣草的香精油,含豐富的反香芹醇、胡薄荷酮、樟腦和薄荷醇,因而可作為這些化合物的來源。
參考: 老爺子

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