
2010-03-08 5:58 am
有無人係PORTLAND USA 等轉機要等8﹣10個鐘?

回答 (3)

2010-03-08 5:54 pm
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Since you never tells how your itinerary is, so it is difficult to know what you can do.

In some cases, airlines companies may have booked a room for you. But you have to check with the airlines to see if they will do that for you or not.
2010-03-08 7:46 pm
first - very very important one, go find out where is you next flight's gate. check the flight is on time ?

Portland, OR airport is not that big, so you should be easy to go between the teminals. and watch some local TV

you can walk around the shops, eat something or have a beer / coffee and watch some local TV in the food court.

when wait in the passager waitting area, you can sit at the corner seat and use double seats for some comrtable nap. ( watch your carry on lugeage and always carry with you --- include go to restroom. )

US airport all look boreing and not much to see, and outside is highway, tree, grass, cars, taxi, bus.......... nothing to see. also, everytime you walk out the passager area, you will be security check again when you rre-enter.

tansfer time in 8,10 hours is little too much, ( 3, 5 hours are normal ), i will say, wait, watching other people, read book, take a nap ........ drink more coffee / water and go restroom will be all you do.

2010-03-08 6:59 am
1. AIRLINE不會有任何安排
2. 除非你有朋友在當地,你最好耐心在機場等,Portland 機場提供免費無線網路, 你可以上網。
3. 現在美國機場安全檢查很嚴格, 你離開機場再進入機場, 就要再排兩次隊。一次入機場, 一次入閘。所以要在起機前3個鐘頭就要再進入機場。Portland 係大城市,萬一路上塞車, 就好麻煩。

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