
2010-03-08 4:34 am
請列出形容方位的英文詞。e.g. under, near, in front of....
不需解釋, 只需以point form 形式回答
best answer:
- under
- in front of


回答 (2)

2010-03-08 8:01 am
✔ 最佳答案

Location and direction Words
- under, underneath, below, beneath, further down
- over, above, on, overhead, higher up
- in front of, ahead of, before, leading, behind, following
- near, close to, with, next to, adjacent to, adjoining, neighbouring, nearby, beside, bordering, touching
- far away, at a distance, remote
- alongside, along, side by side
- in, inside, within, enclosed by, surrounded by
- surrounding, enclosing, outside, around
- between, among, amongst, in the middle
- parallel to, at an angle to, vertical to, horizontal to, perpendicular to
- opposite to, facing, overlooking
- on the left, to the right, south of, north of, east of, west of, south east of etc.
- at xx degree latitude, longitude etc.
- at a 3 o'clock angle, at a 6'clock angle, at a 10 degree angle etc.

參考: myself
2010-03-08 5:01 am
- under
- in front of
- near
- behind
- between
- over
- in
- on
- next to
- opposite to
- on the left
- on the right

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