幫我看看有沒有文法上的錯誤 20點忽!!!

2010-03-08 1:06 am
The winner of the 5th Outstanding Prefect is Peter.Peter was a very good discipline,he always help other.Example:he saw teacher is took a lot of books,he went to help teacher immediately.
When he was young,he was always help his folks too because Peter has well educated,so his folks was vwey well too.
Peter help other not want to took return,he was wholehearted help other,he always say:[A good man rewarded!]he want to all people can always help a lot of people,then it would be happy!

回答 (2)

2010-03-08 7:24 am
✔ 最佳答案
Peter is the winner of the 5th Outstanding Prefect. He is a very good prefect/discipline because he always helps others . For example, whenever he sees some teachers who have a lot of books in hand, he will immediately give them a hand with the books.
When he was young, he, being a well-educated person, often helped his folks too. Therefore, his folks' attitude towards him is also very good and respect him well.
Peter wouldn't wish to have any rewards from those whom he had ever helped with heart and soul( 全心全意 ). He always says : A good man/A kindly man will be rewarded ! He wishes those who always help others would feel very happy no matter how they will be rewarded nothing.
2010-03-08 1:39 am
Peter is the winner of the 5th Outstanding Prefect .Peter was very good at discipline,and he always help others.Example:He saw a teacher is taking a lot of books,so he went to help the teacher immediately.
When he was young,he always help his folks too because Peter has well educated,so his folks was very well too.
Peter help others was not want to took return,he has a wholehearted to help other,he always say:[A good man rewarded!]he want all people can always help people,and they would be happy!
參考: ME

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