
2010-03-07 11:27 pm








沒有人喜歡吵架,如果孩子想吵,提供他們一個不打擾別人的場地。 當你使用以上建議的方法時,吵架會很快地結束,風暴很快地消逝。此外,除非孩子以重物或利器傷害對方,父母方需要加以干預,不必大驚小怪或憤怒,當時只須冷靜地拿走孩子手中的重物或利器,不需要開口說話,孩子就知道這樣做是不對的,等過了一陣子或第二天再找孩子討論此事,相信在心平氣和的氣氛下,孩子會誠心地知道自己的錯,而且逐漸地改變自己的行為。

回答 (2)

2010-03-08 12:23 am
✔ 最佳答案
How to deal with disputes between

A child the emergence of disputes between a child does make many parents feel helpless to deal with a quarrel between children there are three methods, suggesting that parents should first use the first method, if no effect, and then use the second or third . 1. To accept it: children are still children, they need to learn how to cope with life Cuo title, so bicker or quarrel is that they learn to solve the problem one way.

1. To accept it: children are still children, they need to learn how to cope with life Cuo title, so bicker or quarrel is that they learn to solve the problem one way. Parents only need to remain silent, let the children to deal with. When the parents do not what to say when, sooner or later they will stop, and let them know that this is unable to obtain parental attention, and they must learn to look for another more constructive solution. When they successfully processed after an argument, do not forget the appropriate incentives, such as: "I am so glad to see you brothers and sisters love each other!" "I see you effectively deal with this problem!" And other similar words.

2. Far from it: Do not think that the kids are arguing, "the audience" If you see or hear one of their quarrels are likely to upset or angry, to the bedroom or bathroom to go until the end of the quarrel, and then quietly returned. Remember! Do not preach or criticism: "Read! Do not quarrel of the Well!" This kind of superfluous words but to come to naught.

3. Isolate it: a row of children required to go outside, but that special attention to their own attitudes and words, follow the steps to carry out.

(1) tell them (pay attention to his tone of voice and tone is calm): "If you want to continue to be noisy, you have to go outside. When you come back after the end." Just say again, do not repeat.

2010-03-07 16:26:13 補充:
(2) If they are unwilling to go outside, but still noisy, without anger Strip them to go outside, remember that attitude must be determined.

(3) If you want to use the third method, reiterated that the "complete silence" importance.

2010-03-07 16:28:20 補充:
No one likes an argument, if the child would like to be noisy, provide them with a do not disturb other people's sites. When you use the method above recommendations, the quarrel will soon end, the storm quickly disappear.

2010-03-07 16:30:11 補充:
In addition, unless a child or a heavy weapon to hurt each other, parents need to be party to intervene, without surprise or anger, then just calmly take the child in the hands of heavy or sharp object, no speak, the children know it is wrong to do so , and so after a while, or obtain other children

2010-03-07 16:30:48 補充:
the next day to discuss the matter, I believe that in an atmosphere of calm, the child will be sincere to know their own fault, and gradually change their behavior.
參考: ME
2015-10-15 11:31 am

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