Has gone on leave ??

2010-03-07 2:59 pm
Richard has gone on leave for two weeks.

Why use these ( on leave ) words in above sentence? ( leave ) is verb? but I think it isn't verb..What can label be ?

回答 (3)

2010-03-07 6:45 pm
✔ 最佳答案
'Leave' is a 'noun' here.
'To go on leave' is used idiomatically. It means 'to be away (free)
from one's usual duties temporarily'.
Example: Donald Tsang will be (on leave) on the mainland after his visit to Shanghai.
'Has gone on leave' is just the present participle of ' To go on leave'.

2010-03-07 10:53:11 補充:
Correction: Donald Tsang will be (on leave) on the mainland after his visit to Beijing.
( From the recent news)
2010-03-08 8:36 am


2010-03-07 3:24 pm
On leave = on vacation
'Leave' can be a verb or a noun. As a noun, it means 'holiday'.

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