會計問題 - payroll

2010-03-06 10:47 pm
Payroll 是一個lump sum payment 自動過數, 請問在會計軟件需不需要分開每個員工去入數, 還是一個lump sum 入數呢, 怎樣才好.....請列明所需步驟......

我想問如果 用支票出糧, 這是分開每一個人工, keep it confidential. 入數時是否需要用separate voucher no. 怎樣編製新一套voucher no. 請列明

回答 (1)

2010-03-07 12:01 am
✔ 最佳答案
No need. You just enter the transaction in a lump sum by Dr. Staff Salaries Cr. Bank in the books of the company. This is also the amount as appeared in the bank statement. However, as payroll is a sensitive and confidential information, this schedule of salarries for each of the staff will not normally be attahced to the payment voucher. Rather, this information is filed in a separate file for supporting this payment and for reference and audit purposes.

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