
2010-03-06 9:03 pm

回答 (1)

2010-03-10 3:52 am
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櫻花草餅的英文是 Sakura kusa mochi,我幫你找到這個網站有教『櫻花草餅』,你有興趣可 click 下去看看:

櫻花草餅 (Sakura kusa mochi)
材料 (Ingredients)
糯米粉200g (200g Glutinous rice powder)
熱水50ml (50 ml hot water)
凍開水150ml (150 ml cold water)
糖2湯匙 (2 tbsp of sugar)
日本粗粒豆沙蓉250g (250g Japanese red bean paste)
糕粉100g (100g fried glutinous rice flour)
做法 (Method)
1. 糯米粉放入大碗內, 另一碗內加入熱水和砂糖攪勻, 再加入凍水攪勻, 倒入裝了糯米粉的大碗內攪勻, 搓成粉糰, 放在碟上用濕布包好(濕布不可以接觸到粉糰), 放入微波爐叮, 高火叮3分鐘, 如未熟, 再叮30秒, 取出待涼
Put the Glutinous rice powder in a large bowl. In other bowl, mix the hot water with sugar. Then stir in the cold water and mix it well. Mix and stir into the glutinous in a large mix bowl. Stir gently clockwise until the ingredients is fully dissolved. Put the dough in a dish and cover it by a wet towel (towel should not touch the dough surface). Heat it under high heat in microwave for 3 minutes. If it is not done, add another 30 seconds. Let dough cool down a bit.

2010-03-09 19:55:13 補充:
2. 帶好煮食膠手套, 趁粉糰還暖時, 拿出少許粉糰於掌心, 用手指壓平, 壓平的粉糰中間加入豆沙蓉(約佔7成粉糰空間), 再對接好, 包實, 輕手搓圓球, 放在舖滿糕粉的碟上, 撈滿糕粉, 再放於蛋糕紙上, 再做, 即至所有粉團用完

2010-03-09 19:56:12 補充:
With the cooking plastic gloves, take a piece of cooked dough. Press it gently with a finger until flat. Add some red bean (cover about 70% of the dough) in the middle of the dough and wrap it up as a ball.

2010-03-09 19:56:33 補充:
Put it on a dish filled with fried glutinous rice flour. Mix it well and put it on the muffin paper. Continue the same steps until finish the cooked dough.

2010-03-09 19:57:53 補充:
貼士 (Tips)
1. 糕粉可以用糯米粉白鑊, 慢火炒熟代替
You can cook the glutinous rice flour under low heat in a pan instead buying a specify fried glutinous rice flour in a supermarket

2010-03-09 19:58:38 補充:
2. 用好凍水才加入粉糰, 煮出來的口感會好一點
Mix the cold water in the flour will make the texture better after cook

2010-03-09 19:59:31 補充:
3. 熟粉團要還暖時才易包, 如果凍了, 就好難包得實
It is a bit difficult to wrap the dough if it is completely cool down

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