急 : 翻譯英文宗旨租務合約

2010-03-06 12:57 pm

我租了一間屋給一個西人, 合約己到期很久但不會寫英文, 請代寫一封中英文信請
這西人遷走。 多謝。


回答 (2)

2010-03-08 4:51 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Dear (Name of tenant),

Re : Notice to Quit

According to the tenancy agreement we made on dd/mm/yyyy on the flat known as Flat No.xxx situated at (address) , the expiry date of tenancy is on dd/mm/yyyy.

As the Landlord of the said flat, I hereby terminate your tenancy and require you to quit and deliver up vacant possession within xx days from the serving of this Notice .

Thank you for your kind attention .
2010-03-07 12:24 am
Please note that the tenancy agreement we made on dd/mm/yyyy on the property known as Flat ,,,xxx Building ..... leased by you had been expired on dd/mm/yyyy. I hereby give you notice if you could move out and deliver the said property for my vacant possession. The rental deposit of $... will be refunded to you then. Thank you for your kind attention.

I suggest a date be fixed asking the tennant to move out, say, a month later or to the length of notice as stated in the clause of the tenancy agreement.

收錄日期: 2021-04-25 20:37:51
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