AL phy SHM pendulum 有少少問題

2010-03-06 8:44 am

問:當兩粒波 A,B 同一時間放手,佢地係咪會喺X=0 果點撞埋一齊?

explain in english

回答 (2)

2010-03-06 9:13 am
✔ 最佳答案
If the angle (theta) is too larger (e.g. larger than 10 degrees), I don't think it would oscillate in simple harmonic motion.

As such, the period of oscillation is a little bit longer than the one with angular amplitude (alpha). The two masses would then collide somewhere to the left of the central vertical line.

2010-03-06 16:03:57 補充:
Sorry....I have overlooked that the angle (theta) is smaller than 10 degrees. Under such situation, to a good approximation, the two bobs will still collide at a point below the point of suspension.
2010-03-08 2:16 am
Yes, the balls A and B will colide at x=0.
In simple harmonic motion, the period of the motion is independent of the amplitude (provided that the angle is small)
Hence, the time needed for A and B to travel from max. displacement to their equilibrium position (x=0) is the same

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