Are Stars really Suns?

2010-03-05 8:32 pm
Scientist have claimed Stars to be suns and our Sun to be a Star. Is that true? I dont think so. Modern day telescopes can barely see Pluto so what makes us believe that they can see a feature from a star? When you zoom in on a star all you see is light nothing else. When you look at our sun you see featues of flame. Scientist use that stupid computer crap and claims it to be suns with Planets uhh not True at all.

回答 (13)

2010-03-05 8:34 pm
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Shows what you know then, doesn't it? :)
2010-03-05 9:25 pm
Yes, the Sun is a star.

You have to understand one thing, modern day telescope can barely see Pluto because it's approx. 6 billion kilometers away, and has a diameter of 2,360 kilometers.

The Sun is approx. 150 million kilometers away, and has a diameter of 1,392,000 kilometers. 223,096,366 (that's 223 million) Pluto's can fit inside the Sun.

The Sun is *extremely bright*, and Pluto is a planet and almost nothing is reflecting light off Pluto, which makes it harder for us to see.

Other stars we see (not including the Sun) are thousands of light years away, one light year = 5.87849981 × 10^12 miles. Stars are trillions, quadrillions, sometimes even quintillions of miles further than our Sun.

NASA does not use a modern day telescope to view stars, they use satellites which orbit our solar system (outside Earth) and have a zoom millions of times better and clearer than a modern day telescope. As light from stars passes through Earth's atmosphere it becomes unclear, so view stars from Earth will always be less clearer than viewing them from space.

It's not a mater of opinion, the Sun *is* a star.
2010-03-05 8:40 pm
No one could possibly be as arrogant and ignorant as you. Please do some research...some SERIOUS research.

BTW, I had no idea that the sun had a flame.
2010-03-05 8:36 pm
and there's the american education system. assuming you are in the US.

there is no "flame" on the sun, but thanks for playing
2010-03-05 8:40 pm
Well, what do you think the sun is then? A star is a ball of plasma that fuses hydrogen in its core. The sun is a ball of plasma that fuses hydrogen in its core. The sun is about eight light minutes away so it is close enough to see its features. (No flames by the way.) The next closest star is over 4 light years away. Scientists don't determine other stars have planets by viewing them directly. They determine they have planets by observing the wobble of the star caused by the gravitational pull of the planet. Next time you want to dispute proven scientific facts, you should at least do some research first.
2010-03-05 9:35 pm
A little reading would do you a lot of good. Study up a little on astronomy and things will make more sense to you.

When you zoom in on *some* stars, you see two or even three lights, not just one. Our closest neighbor in fact is a binary (or trinary) star.

It's taking the New Horizons probe ten years to get to Pluto from Earth. If it were headed for the nearest star, it would take something like 40,000 years to get there. Stars are WAYYY far away--that's why they only resolve to points of light.

How do we know how far away they are? Ok, well, we know the distance from the Earth to the Sun, so if we take a picture of a star at a certain time of year, and then take another picture six months later, we can compare the two pictures to see how much that star has moved compared to the other stars in the picture. This is called parallax, and it only works for nearby stars. So yes, we do have reason to think they're very far away, and to be that bright that far away, they must be VERY bright close-up...kinda like the Sun. See where I'm going with this?
2010-03-05 8:40 pm
Hmm, some people also believe the Earth to be flat and that the universe rotates around us.Go figure.
2010-03-05 8:54 pm
Andre S.

If you are serious, then you are wrong, wrong, wrong, but I really cannot believe that you are serious.
2010-03-05 8:35 pm
some are planets and some are galaxies. but most, i am afraid, are suns.
2010-03-05 9:09 pm
are you the worlds only surviving brain transplant donor..?
2017-01-13 11:00 pm
Are Stars Suns
2010-03-05 10:32 pm
It is true, in fact we've already found several hundred planets orbiting other stars.

You tell me, that if you hold something inches from your eyes, and then go hold it 80 feet away, that it looks the same size.
2010-03-05 8:56 pm
stars can be suns, when they get big enough. some large stars have other solar systems. therefor a sun. the stars you see in the sky though, a majority of them by the time their light reaches earth are already gone.
there are telescopes that NASA has that can see FAR past Pluto. we can use these telescopes to see other nearby galaxies such as the Andromeda galaxy, which is actually on a very slow collision course with our galaxy, and even the center of the milky way so to speak, since you can only really see it well with what these telescopes use, which is the infrared spectrum.

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