
2010-03-06 4:27 am
我部電腦系lenovo H220 ge,買番來ge第三日就會自動熄機,想問下究竟系點解同埋點算?

回答 (4)

2010-03-06 4:42 am
✔ 最佳答案
風扇有冇"著" 呀, 如果風扇無轉同無風就可能係over heat 囉.... 買返黎三日就自動息機, 攞返去換啦... 品牌機7日內應該包換架... 打電話問吓lenovo 啦...
2010-03-06 4:45 am
2010-03-06 4:34 am
It may be the ram's problem. You can clean the dust inside the computer.
2010-03-06 4:33 am
You may clean the dust on the computer fan with a dry towel. It shut down automatically may be is due to overheating. Also place them in a cooler place.

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