Please help me

2010-03-05 10:27 pm
Answer the following questions:
1. Name 1 animal which is
a mammal:
a reptile:
a marsupial:
cold blooded:
warm blooded:
an australian brid:
a monotreme:
Write 1 interesting fast about a marsupial.
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why are monotremes unusual??
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describe the habitat of koalas???
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Why do some animals need camouflage????

回答 (4)

2010-03-05 11:00 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Please help me
Answer the following questions:
1. Name 1 animal which is
carnivorous: lion
nocturnal: bat
a mammal: dog
herbivorous cow
a reptile: lizard
a marsupial: kangaroo
cold blooded: snake
camouflaged: frog
warm blooded: cat
an australian brid: kookaburra
a monotreme: echidna
Write 1 interesting "fast????" about a marsupial.....fact
thier warm blood- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
why are monotremes unusual??
they have three middle-ear bones.
describe the habitat of koalas???
live on gum tree- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Why do some animals need camouflage???? protection
2010-03-06 2:15 am

carnivorous(食肉類).........lion ( 獅子)
nocturnal( 夜行類)...........bat (蝙蝠 )
a mammal(哺乳類) ( 狗 )
a reptile(爬行類)..............crocodile(鱷魚)
a marsupial(有袋類).........kangaroo(袋鼠)
cold blooded(涼血類)魚)
warm blooded(熱血類).....monkey(猴子)
an Australian bird(一種澳洲鳥).......Australian King Parrot(澳洲皇帝鸚鵡)
a monotreme(單孔目類動物)..........duckbill(鴨咀獸)

The interesting fact of marsupials is that they each has a pouch in the front of it's body to carry it's bab or young.Marsupals likangaroo,wallaby,koala
etc., are commonly seen in Australia.

Monotremes like duckbill and echidnas have unique features which makes it different from other mammals in that their urinary, defecatory and reproductive systems all open into a single duct ; that is how they get the term monotreme, meaning ' single opening ' in Greek. They are the most primitive kind of mammals characterised by their birdlike or reptilian features of hatching young from eggs.

Koalas do not like staying on the ground but rather staying on the tree
24 hours round and feed nothing else but the leaves of the trees where they
always stay on, the eucalyptus trees.

Some animals like leapard , tree boa, and many others need camouflage
for two simple reasons, to hunt for food and avoid being hunted.
參考: my knowledge plus researched informations卞
2010-03-06 12:02 am
1. Name 1 animal which is
carnivorous: LION獅子
nocturnal: OWL貓頭鷹
a mammal: DOG狗
herbivorous: DEER鹿
a reptile: CROCODILE鱷魚
a marsupial: KANAGROO袋鼠
cold blooded: SNAKE蛇
camouflaged: CHAMELEON變色龍
warm blooded: PIG 豬
an Australian brid: KING PARROT國王鸚鵡
a monotreme: PLATYPUS鴨咀獸
Write 1 interesting fast about a marsupial.
Marsupial is interesting as it is the mammal that have a pouch on the abdomen of the female for carrying young.
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why are monotremes unusual??
Monotremes are unusual because they are species of egg-laying mammals found only in Australia, Tasmania, and New Guinea.
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describe the habitat of koalas???
Koalas live in the eucalyptus woodlands of the eastern side of Australia. They inhabit the large Eastern part of Australia and can be found in greater numbers in the Northeast and Southeast of this vast territory, and only in eucalyptus trees, where they eat the leaves.
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Why do some animals need camouflage????Camouflage is a method of crypsis to avoid being observed – that allows a visible organism or object to remain indiscernible from the surrounding environment. Some animals need camouflage to hide from their enemies, and some others use it to go unnoticed as they search for food.
參考: hkslot
2010-03-05 11:14 pm
001 Correct answers, but the follow-up question refer to below:
a marsupial rear/carry their young in a pocket.
monotremes lay eggs but they are mammals.
koalas only feed on eucalyptus.

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