I didn\'t get to win once ?

2010-03-05 6:36 pm
點解要用get to, 刪掉可以嗎 ?

另外 :

1. We can dance around naked.
- 句子最後加形容詞naked,
是一種特別句型嗎 ?

2. That could be it. 中文點釋 ?

3. I could just kiss you all over.
- could just 中文點釋 ?

4. You guys tell them you were married ?

a. 句中 tell, 如果用加are gonna, 或改
為 are telling, 意思有分別嗎 ?

b. 點用were married, 而不是
are married ?

Thank you !

回答 (2)

2010-03-05 10:15 pm
✔ 最佳答案
(1) I didn,t get to win once ? 這句子或問句是不倫不類令人難明的一堆字。它的意思可能是我如下的舉例:

1)Didn't I (even) get win once ? 難道我一次也沒勝出嗎 ?有甚至一次也沒有的
意思但寫不寫even也可以。如原意是這樣的問題, I 字就要放在動詞後面。
2)I didn't get win once. 我一次也沒勝出過.
3)I didn't win once.我一次也從沒勝出. 文法沒錯,但語氣太板,加even在win字
後面就順耳得多了。所以你懷疑得對,get to 的to字在上述問句或述句中都

(1) We can dance around naked.的句法很普通,就像 We like to eat it raw.

(2) That could be it.可譯為' 可能就是這樣吧 '(是關於事的)或 ' 可能就是它吧 '
(3) I could just kiss you all over.可譯為 ' 我只可吻遍你全身' could just 觧作
(4) You guys tell them you were married ? 這是不論文法的語法,應作
You guys are gonna(即going) to tell them you were married ?和
You guys are tlling them you were married ? 同一意思。
(5) are married 和 were married用作形容詞用如 John and May are not
just friends now, they are married. 和 Annie and Jill were both married
some years ago.


參考: my English knowledge
2010-03-06 2:53 pm



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