how come you dog lovers wont give mike vick a chance? thats all he knew growing up?

2010-03-05 3:12 am

回答 (10)

2010-03-05 1:15 pm
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Because Michael Vick is a Sadistic, Heartless, Low Life, who enjoys beating, torturing and killing innocent animals, because he thinks it's fun to do! How sick in the head does someone have to be, to think it's fun to see an animal cry in agony, because it's getting ripped apart? Vick really pisses me off and disgusts me, for what he did! He had no right to beat, torture and kill those dogs! He doesn't deserve another chance! There is No Excuse for what he did to those poor dogs! Real animal lovers will NEVER forgive him for that! Michael Vick got off too easy, just a slap on the wrist saying Bad Boy don't do it again! What Michael Vick deserves is a longer prison sentence(let the prisoners who are animal lovers have a go at him)! I'd love to see all of those Inmates, who are animal lovers and most of them are, beat the crap out of Michael Vick! Let's put that Ignorant A Hole, in the middle of a ring and give Vick a taste of his own medicine! Lets release all those innocent, defenseless dogs and let them have go at him. See how he likes that and how if feels to be in Agony being ripped to pieces! Let's make it a TV Event, that all of us "Animal Lovers against Animal Abusers", can sit and enjoy watching! I would love to see that and how he tries to defend himself! Michael Vick did not get what he deserves. He got off easy! You know nothing about him or how he grew up! Punishment for Animal Abusers is not anywhere near as severe as it should be! They need to start really punishing Animal Abusers and making the laws more strict against them! Maybe once people know that if they are caught abusing any animal, that their jail sentence will be a very harsh one, that they may think the next time, before they act and abuse any animal! You can try to come up with any excuse you want to, but in all reality, "There is NEVER an excuse to abuse innocent and beautiful animals" and anyone that does, is a really Pathetic excuse for a Human Being, in my eyes!
ADD: TapDancingRocks, Thank You! I don't mind, that you added me as a Contact at all. I added you as a Contact too. Hope you don't mind!
2010-03-05 3:17 am
Ignorance isn't an excuse for cruelty.
2010-03-05 3:17 am
I beat my wife and kids because my father beat my mother and me and my brothers and sisters, because my grandfather beat my grandmother and my father, because...
Do you really see any valid excuses here?
Sometime or another, the cycle has to stop.
2010-03-05 3:37 am
Hey, Jeffrey Dahmer killed and ate people, committed necrophilia, and was a real sicko. So we should have forgiven him for his misdeeds and let him get his job back at the candy factory right?
Jeffrey Dahmer was committed to prison for life and the system within the prison took care of the problem for us. Cause even murders can't stand a sicko among them.
Mike Vick was an a$$hole and a he got off real easy. I for one do not feel he will ever get off my A$$hole list. And I don't care if he donates the rest of his NFL earning to HSUS for the rest of his life. What he did was still wrong.
2010-03-05 3:25 am
Woah, are you serious?! MICHEAL VICK SHOULD HAVE STAYED IN PRISON FOR THE REST OF HIS LIFE! HE SHOULD HAVE BEEN BANNED FROM PLAYING FOOTBALL FOR THE REST OF HIS STUPID LIFE TOO! What he did was inexcusable unforgivable, horrible, disgusting, violent and sick!

If you ask me, NO criminal should get "another chance.'' I can't believe prisoners actually get RELASED from prison! They are all nuts! They should stay in prison for the REST OF THEIR LIVES! All they do when they get relased is something horrible again so they get put right back INTO prison! That’s ALL I have to say! Shame on you!

ADD: I'm Innocent! - I completely agree with you! I read your profile and I've never owned a pit bull either, but I love them! I've added you to my contacts if that's ok.
ADD: I'm Innocent! - Thanks! I don't mind! Now we both have each other as contacts! :)
2010-03-05 3:16 am
A chance??? isn't his career on track.
It's horrible .. .there is no 2 ways about that.
One thing I will say, having a "famous athlete" busted for this has done tremendous good in shedding light on the despicable behavior.
2010-03-05 3:16 am
because hes a dumbass... i think he should be put into a ring and be fought to the death with one of his dogs!!! lets see who wins that fight!!! we're dog lovers not people lovers!!! and i bet he didnt even grow up around dog fighting!!!
2010-03-05 3:37 am
Because he's disgusting. He didn't even apologize about fighting the dogs after all of this, he just apologized to PEOPLE for what he did. And besides, even if it "Was all he knew growing up" that doesn't mean he should continue it. If all a child knew was being beaten when it grew up, does that mean it should beat it's children in the future too? No.
2016-11-26 1:47 am
Because dog lovers are a bunch of lowlife scums, Michael Vick is a good man, He is good at football, only those lowlife animal loving scums hates him. Michael Vick ISN'T guilty
2010-03-05 3:44 am
How do you know that what he grew up like? Either way thats no excuse.

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