"Travel to back" or "travel back to"?

2010-03-04 1:53 pm
As above, which one is grammatically correct? The former seems weird but it is copied from a novel.

The whole sentence is: "Tonight the workers will travel TO BACK their villages bringing the money they've earned this year, which is more than they could earn in ten years at home" ps: it is copied from a novel in a novel competition in Hong Kong.


Also, I want to know if it is possible to add one adverbial (back) into another adverbial (to ^ their villages). Can someone quotes some example to elucidate its usage?

回答 (2)

2010-03-04 2:22 pm
✔ 最佳答案
in the 21st century setting the latter (travel back to) is correct but if the setting is in the olden days then the former (travel to back) is correct.
2010-03-04 9:57 pm
probably the latter is more correct....and for some reason im guessing this isn't a modern novel? like the jane austen types? charles dickens?

NEW NOTE!!!!: hmmmm in that case, maybe its just a typo or mistake of some sort....i dont know, sorry!!

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