
2010-03-05 3:04 am
前幾日有個"foreigner"直接sd email比我,話對我件貨有興趣

Hi,How are u doing today ?hope all is good over there ? Could u let me know how much ur willing to sell it and calculate with postage to my wife in West Africa Via Registered Post.She's the one who needs it...Is bank to bank transfer fine for payment
? Or Paypal?
Bro T

就應左佢d野啦~我仲答左佢我係hsbc acct,then佢話...

well I understand , I use Citi Bank Of America , But i can surely send money into your hsbc account information , Just send me the grand total cost for the item including postage,packing etc to my wife in west africa via Registered Post.

And also u can as well send me your hsbc information to send the amount to you, I'll bear all handling charges for the transfer from here . So no problem .

再之後我真係去左post office問rates=幾多,再計好個grant total比佢

Thanks for your reply, well i'm okay with that price , Just send me ur information to send the $810hk$ to you , Dont worry i'll send the money from my account here but you will receive exactly 810hk$ in your account without any charges ....

I'll be waiting for ur infor for payment and also i'll send my wife's delivery address to you after payment is done but i';m sorry i cant bid because i don;t have a yahoo auctions account and i cant even read chinese.

我到果個moment開始有d suspicious..
我唔明點解佢可用yahoo acct同我sd email但又唔可落bid??
但我sd左我o既acct name/no./my name比佢...!
跟住o係岩岩我就收到封citi bank of usa o既email,

Buyer's Shipping Address Name - Oshun Jones Address -Block 3,Agugu Barracks,Oremeji. City - Ibadan State - Oyo-State Zip code - 23402 Country - Nigeria


I'm happy to inform you that just made the payment now .kindly check your email very well for the confirmation mail from the bank (citi bank group), so send the item and send the shipment tracking number and receipt to the bank for their verifications


so they can verify and credit your account just as the normal procedure for the completion of the transfer . ...又話remitted但又要我sd番no.比佢? 又話要post左先會confirm有$收..? then我就扮唔明問佢姐係要點做...


Yes,you just need to send the item and send the shipment receipt and tracking to the bank via email as an attachment and they will credit your account with the money after that .is this your first time of selling to usa and taking bank to bank transfer as your payment ?well let me know when its done


...有幾樣野想問!!! 1. 係咪唔洗再理佢? 2. 我洗唔洗向yahoo舉報佢? 3. 我話左我o既acct no./my name比佢知,但of cox冇講pw/tel/address/id card no.果d比佢聽, 咁樣我個acct會唔會in a danger??? thx!


岩岩見到另1項知識:: "如他們寄給你的支票, 或過數給你銀行後. 表面上好似真, 但是一段時間後銀行會recognize這是假支票而從你戶口扣回數. 就算你現在call 警察,或FBI 都無用了." ..唔會真係扣我acct入面d $牙ma!!!? so worried now...

回答 (3)

2010-03-05 4:05 am
✔ 最佳答案

2.對方不會 / 有時於Yahoo!拍賣度問你,但會比較喜歡以電郵直接聯絡賣家,為了不想於拍賣場度留記錄。
3.對方表示好.想買那貨品,並表示願意出高價向你fast trade(一般是 高於開售價10倍,甚至100倍的價錢)。
你諗清楚,有沒有人會以高於開售價多倍的價錢同你FAST TRADE?買件全新的都唔使咁貴啦。

參考: 以上回答內容是本人經驗(Vinci Cheung),不可能於任何網頁或書本上找到!版權所有,未經許可,請勿複製作任何用途!!!
2010-03-07 3:19 am
hey will credit your account with the money after that .is this your first time of selling to usa and taking bank to bank transfer as your payment ?well let me know when its done
2010-03-04 19:07:22 補充

1. 係咪唔洗再理佢?
2. 我洗唔洗向yahoo舉報佢?
3. 我話左我o既acct no./my name比佢知,但of cox冇講pw/tel/address/id card no.果d比佢聽, 咁樣我個acct會唔會in a danger???

2010-03-04 19:26:48 補充

"如他們寄給你的支票, 或過數給你銀行後. 表面上好似真, 但是一段時間後銀行會recognize這是假支票而從你戶口扣回數. 就算你現在call 警察,或FBI 都無用了."

..唔會真係扣我acct入面d $牙ma!!!?
so worried now...
2010-03-05 3:21 am
1. 唔洗再理佢
2. 冇用
3. 唔會。(最多同佢講香港見面交收)

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