
2010-03-05 12:36 am

1. I know this cannot be proved by argument. It shall be proved by persons living it in their lives with utter disregard of consequences to themselves.

2. There is no half way between truth and non-wiolence on the one hand and untruth and violence on the other. We may never be strong enough to be entirely non-violence in thought, word and deed. But we must keep non-violence as our goal and make steady progress towards it. The attainment of freedom, wheter for a man, a nation, or the world, must be in extract proportion to the attainment of non-violence by each.

回答 (5)

2010-03-05 2:13 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. 我知道這不能透過辯論來證明。這需要靠生活本身 - 即活於此地的眾人,他們完全莫視這種生活帶來的後果,才得以引證。

2. 真相與「非暴力」之間、虛假與暴力之間,同樣黑白分明,從沒中間路線。我們也許不夠堅強,令思想上、言談上及行為上做到完全「非暴力」。但我們必須要以「非暴力」為終極目標,並以此目標循序漸進。對於自由的追求,無論在個人、在國家、還是全世界,絕對跟「非暴力」的成果成正比。
參考: hkslot
2010-03-05 1:20 am
Do you want the passage be translated into Chinese or re-written in simple English? It is quite a philosophical topic which I think not many people can give you a good answer.

2010-03-04 17:30:01 補充:
Please check if the following are typing mistakes:

non-wiolence (violence?)
wheher for a man (whether?)
in extract proportion (exact?)

Pl send me an email if you need my help.
2010-03-05 1:07 am

1. I know this cannot be proved by argument. It shall be proved by persons living it in their lives with utter disregard of consequences to themselves.


2. There is no half way between truth and non-violence on the one hand and untruth and violence on the other. We may never be strong enough to be entirely non-violence in thought, word and deed. But we must keep non-violence as our goal and make steady progress towards it. The attainment of freedom, whether for a man, a nation, or the world, must be in ext act proportion to the attainment of non-violence by each.

2010-03-05 12:44 am
參考: 我媽咪
2010-03-05 12:44 am


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