
2010-03-04 10:52 pm
我想投訴新元朗中心商場冷氣不足, 每逢夏天都有焗桑拿嘅感覺! 已經容忍左兩年, 但係都係無改善, 希望佢地有正面嘅回覆!

回答 (4)

2010-03-05 3:03 am
✔ 最佳答案
To: The Manager
The Management Office
SunYuen Long Centre

Unsatisfactory air-conditioning of Sun Yuen Long Centre

I am writing to complaint about the unsatisfactory air-conditioning of Sun Yuen Long Centre. For the past two summers, the Mall’s ventilation had been unfavourable – when customers were walking in the mall, they felt too hot just like being in a sauna bath!

Summer is coming soon. And it is expected that Sun Yuen Long Centre will become more crowded with visitors as Yoho Town and Yoho Midtown are ready for occupancy. Kindly handle this problem for the biggest shopping pleasure of all shoppers.

Sincerely Yours,
Chan Tai Man (mobile no.)
A Yuen Long resident & a frequent visitor of Sun Yuen Long Centre
參考: hkslot
2010-03-05 1:42 am

Dear Sun Yuen Long Centre Management,

I am writing to complain about the inadequate of air-conditioning circualtion in the shopping mall. For the past two year, it has been stuffy and customers feel like entering into a sauna during summer months.

Please look into this matter as soon as possible as winter is passing and warm and humid weather has already arrived.


Your name
Your contact no/address.
2010-03-04 11:42 pm
New Yuen Long Plaza complaint inadequate air-conditioning, every summer has baked sauna feeling generous! Have put up with the left for two years, made no improvement, hope to have a positive drainage generous reply!
參考: --
2010-03-04 10:57 pm
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