
2010-03-04 9:42 pm

“  敬啟者:



 祝貴網站生意興隆,內容更加精彩。 ”


回答 (4)

2010-03-04 10:17 pm
✔ 最佳答案
To whom it may concern

I was a member of your web site before but I'm too busy and have no time to join your membership currently.

However, when I received my bank statement this month, I found that there is a amount is deducted without noticed for paying to your company as a monthly fee. Would you please double check this issue for me and refund?

Should you have any question, please contact me by email, my email address is xxx.com.hk

Looking forward to your promptly reply.

Best Regards,

Your name here
2010-03-05 3:01 am
“  敬啟者:



 祝貴網站生意興隆,內容更加精彩。 ”


"Dear Sirs:

I are loyal viewers of your site, the site content is very interested in, in the past has also become a member of your site.

As a result of busy, no time to browse, so did not participate in a temporary membership scheme.

On March 1 receipt of bank statements and found your site without their consent, forced participation in your site, I collected a month's membership fees. Please check your website now understand that this money will be returned to me.

If in doubt and I can e-mail to contact XXX.com.hk

Your esteemed website business is booming, the content more exciting. "

Please use the word should not be too complex and abstruse, can be simple, direct, point to the basis, thank you.
參考: thx!
2010-03-04 11:50 pm
Dear Sirs:

I are loyal viewers of your site, the site content is very interested in, in the past has also become a member of your site.

As a result of busy, no time to browse, so did not participate in a temporary membership scheme.

On March 1 receipt of bank statements and found your site without their consent, forced participation in your site, I collected a month's membership fees. Please check your website now understand that this money will be returned to me.

If in doubt and I can e-mail to contact XXX.com.hk

Your esteemed website business is booming, the content more exciting.
參考: --
2010-03-04 9:52 pm
"Dear Sirs:
I are loyal viewers of your site, the site content is very interested in, in the past has also become a member of your site.
As a result of busy, no time to browse, so did not participate in a temporary membership scheme.
On March 1 receipt of bank statements and found your site without their consent, forced participation in your site, I collected a month's membership fees. Please check your website now understand that this money will be returned to me.
If in doubt and I can e-mail to contact XXX.com.hk
Your esteemed website business is booming, the content more exciting. "

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