Simple Harmonic Motion

2010-03-04 7:28 pm
Consider a ballon filled with helium gas which is tied to the ground by a string with length L. Initially, the ballon is in equllibrium (and the string is normal to the ground). It is then moved a bit away from the equllibrium position so that the string makes an angle theta with the normal of the ground. Proved that the subsequent motion of the ballon is in simple harmonic motion. State the variables used.

Sorry but I can't see the picture.

回答 (3)

2010-03-04 8:30 pm
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F is the NET upthrust by the air
Fcosθ is balanced by the tension in the string
so Fsinθ is the net force acting on the balloon

for small θ, sinθ=θ so
mα= Fsinθ = F(-θ)
since the force points to the opposite direction of the angular displacement measured from the vertical (the force is restoring and always points to the equilibrium position)

α= - (F/m)θ

mass of the helium gas=(ρ1)V
where V is the volume of the balloon

mass of air displaced=(ρ2)V

so F=(ρ2-ρ1)V

α= - [(ρ2-ρ1)V/((ρ1)V)]θ
= - ((ρ2-ρ1)/(ρ1)θ

2010-03-04 16:23:19 補充:
some mistake in the previous answer, see this

If you don't want to use the idea in rotational dynamics, you may use physics8801's method:
me a=αL

these are the two only methods

2010-03-05 16:20:54 補充:
that's how i think of the solution
2010-03-05 5:43 pm
This is the same as the simple harmonic motion of simple pendulum with all the forces are in opposite direction.
2010-03-04 11:43 pm
Let U be the upthrust acting on the balloon, m is the mass of the balloon, d1 be the density of helium, and d2 be the density of air.

Hence, by Archimedes' Principle, upthrust U = weight of air diaplced
U = volume of air displaced x density of air x g, where g is the acceleration due to gravity
i.e. U = (m/d1).(d2.g)
Net upward force acting on the balloon, F = U - mg = (m/d1).(d2.g) - mg
F = (d2/d1 - 1).mg ------------------ (1)

Since F is vertically upward, now resolve F into two components, one is along the string direction (=F.cos(theta) ), and the other is perpendicular to the string direction (= F.sin(theta) ).
Consider the component perpendicualr to the string direction,

F.sin(theta) = -m.a
where a is the acceleration of the balloon. The -ve sign indicates that the acceleration is always pointing towards the equilibrium position, opposite to the displacement.

But a = L.(alpha), where (alpha) is the angular acceleration
hence, F.sin(theta) = -m.L.(alpha)
Substitute F from equation (1),
[(d2/d1 - 1).mg].sin(theta) = -m.L.(alpha)
when (theta) is small, sin(theta) = (theta) approximately

therefore, [(d2/d1 - 1)].g.(theta) = -L.(alpha)
(alpha) = - [(d2/d1 - 1).g/L].(theta)

since the angular acceleration is proportional to the angular displacement (alpha), and in a direction always opposite to it, the motion is simple harmonic.

[Note: in fact, if you turn the whole balloon arrangement upside down, this is just similar to a simple pendulum, with the weight of the pendulum bob be replaced by the net force F].

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