Why car racing is sport?

2010-03-04 2:55 am
SPORT is supposed to be a healthy activity, right? But how about car racing? For me, it's just an air polluting and fuel wasting game, a commercial promoting affair. What do you think?

回答 (11)

2010-03-04 3:03 am
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Definitely a sport, but not in the traditional sense. It requires great skill , intelligence, endurance, and a detailed game plan to compete in this sport. I think what confuses people is the thought that the car is doing most of the work but you need to think of it like a tool that is used to compete in the sport, like a baseball bat/glove, hockey skates, or a football helmet. Also, if you have ever seen these guys after the race they are soaked in sweat and very tired. It really is tiring and a very stressful and intense sport.
2010-03-04 2:56 am
I completely agree with you!!
2010-03-04 3:01 am
No it doesn't have to be a healthy activity. shooting and fishing are sports but I don't see how healthy that is opposed to standing around. Its about competition, "good sport". Racing requires much concentration, skill, and quick reflexes. With the exception to NASCAR where the most exciting thing that could ever happen is making a right turn.
2010-03-04 2:58 am
no matter how much I agree with you, I would like to point out that curling is considered a sport. I would also like to point out that car racing is fairly difficult having tried it a few times, it really cannot be classified as a game either.

americans like it, and for them watching t.v. is the most exercise they get all day for the most part.
參考: woops I'm an america. darn.
2010-03-04 2:57 am
I think you need to broaden your horizons.
2016-04-15 5:19 pm
Unfortunately it is called a sport, but boggles my mind how someone cannot be bored watching a slot car continuously go around in circles for hours...what I consider a sport is Soccor
2015-06-11 2:52 am
Can t understand people yelling and screaming just waiting for a wreck and someone getting hurt or killed !!!!
2010-03-04 4:10 am
the same could be said about most so called spectator sports such as football, hockey, baseball etc.
the only real sports are something you participate in yourself & learn to do to the best of your ability, improving your skill & coordination & getting exercise in the process.
anything you sit & watch professional people do is actually just entertainment, no different than watching professional actors in a movie.
actually all the people driving their cars to the track so they can sit around & watch car races create many times more pollution than the cars on the track.
the same pollution is created by people driving to a stadium,arena or concert, so car racing doesn't cause much more pollution than a rock concert.
if you attend any of these events it would hypocritical of you to criticize someone for going to car races.
參考: live & let live
2010-03-04 3:15 am
It's a sport so that people who only know how to drive cars can have a job and something to do with their lives
2010-03-04 2:57 am
Except for Nascar you have to be in extremely good shape to be able to drive cars that fast. The g forces alone are too much for some people.

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