I recently watched a documentary called Food, Inc. One of the topics brought up was genetically modified food. For the most part, a lot of the people interviewed were against it. They talked about how it's potentially harmful to people and how it could possibly have serious risks in the future.
However, a few days after I watched a Penn & Teller: BS! special and they also talked about GM food. Their opinion on it was quite different however. They brought up the point that GM food could help a lot of starving people because of how much and how fast it can be produced.
I can see and understand both points of view. My opinion hasn't really shifted one way or the other. Just out of curiosity I was wondering what all of you on Yahoo! answers thought about this topic. This isn't for an assignment and it isn't to try to sway my own opinion. I just want to see what other people have to say.
Obviously since this is an opinion question, there won't really be a "best" answer. However, I might give the best answer to anyone who can respond with a well thought out opinion. You don't have to have fancy spelling and grammar. Just as long as you really thought about this question and weighed out the pros and cons.