Do you consider genetically modified food to be safe or harmful?

2010-03-03 11:15 am
I recently watched a documentary called Food, Inc. One of the topics brought up was genetically modified food. For the most part, a lot of the people interviewed were against it. They talked about how it's potentially harmful to people and how it could possibly have serious risks in the future.

However, a few days after I watched a Penn & Teller: BS! special and they also talked about GM food. Their opinion on it was quite different however. They brought up the point that GM food could help a lot of starving people because of how much and how fast it can be produced.

I can see and understand both points of view. My opinion hasn't really shifted one way or the other. Just out of curiosity I was wondering what all of you on Yahoo! answers thought about this topic. This isn't for an assignment and it isn't to try to sway my own opinion. I just want to see what other people have to say.

Obviously since this is an opinion question, there won't really be a "best" answer. However, I might give the best answer to anyone who can respond with a well thought out opinion. You don't have to have fancy spelling and grammar. Just as long as you really thought about this question and weighed out the pros and cons.

回答 (6)

2010-03-03 1:30 pm
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I consider it to be safe. The fact is, there isn't any scientific data to date to indicate GM food is harmful. What the problem is, is public perception created by a handful of social agendists who are against everything, no matter what it is. If you flush your toilet the wrong way, there will be a social agendist standing there to point it out to you. If you breath a different way, there will be a social agendist standing there harping on you that its harmful to do that. If you walk down the street with the wrong colored hat on, there will be a social agendist there to tell you how wrong it is to wear that colored hat. No matter what we do in life, there will always be someone there to tell you...

There was no problem with GM crops until the European Union decided to CREATE a problem with it. The purpose behind the supposedly "protecting the health of humans" politico, really is the future of European farmers and protecting them from unwanted imported crops. The European farmers (particularly, in France) threw a gigantic fit that they would be driven out of business by cheap American imports of grain (since we can grow it bigger, better and faster than they can). So the European Union (EU) decided to ban imported grain knowing that almost all American corn and soybean crops were GM. This amounted to a TRADE BARRIER or throwing up a boycott. Its nothing but fluff and dander...and now, we have the IGNORANCE trailing back to the US with the typical hippie hypochondriacs screaming their social agendist drumbeats that its bad for you.

None of it is true as far as you can find. WHERE is the scientific evidence? The years of study that demonstrates, the epidemiological studies that show that GM food harms human beings? YOu can't produce, valid, scientific and epidemiological evidence because it doesn't exist. It is all up in the head. Just because you don't like something doesn't make it true.

I am merely stating here, that the opinion that GM is hardmful is based on strident ignornance and politico gibberish and not on scientific fact.
2010-03-03 11:38 am
I don't really care as long as I have FOOD to eat.
2016-05-31 12:39 pm
Bublo, are you talking about people or about the governments? GM food commerce is a governments decision, GM food aquisition is people's decision. As I know, in the US there is the possibility to select what you are going to eat: if you go to the supermarket you can choose either GM or organic. Besides, in Europe it is not allowed by law the commerce of GM food for human use. TAKE CARE NOW: Kittycat says that GM is not harmful for health, as this has not been prooved. What an illusion, this phrase! Let me explain you why. If you pay attention in the publications of scientific journals, you will see that they use the term:POTENTIALLY HARMFUL. This means that this kind of food will not harm your health for sure, but it COULD HARM YOUR HEALTH. If we are going to make a discussion about what scientific evidence is, we will spend days and days here, discussing. BUT, think about this : are you going to consume food that is sure that will not make you die but it will(maybe) make you live unhealthy for the rest of your life? Do you think that a whole continent, I mean Europe,is stupid or has not an adequate scientific level or has something against your country, that's why is behaving like this? Have you ever heard about gene transfer from GM seeds to our body and allergies? It is not the gene that will make you allergic, but it will create the conditions for the development of allergies in the future. Oh, I said a lot. I hope that some will read it,so it was worthy. I will be happy even if I have made just one think about it. Katerina
2010-03-04 3:04 am
I consider it mostly safe. I would eat it, I would let my kids eat it. I'm more concerned with pesticides and veggies growing or being handled in unsanitised environments. I would think that's probably far more harmful.

Organic foods would be my top option. But it's just to expensive most of the time. Until they start making it cheaper and more accessible, it's not a realistic option.
2010-03-03 12:27 pm
Generally safe to eat but it's not good to your health as organic would be.
2010-03-03 11:25 am
its playing with nature

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