Royalty in Hong Kong Tax(HELP)

2010-03-04 12:11 am
我想問我個客係做trading of toy..
咁佢其中一個related party係一間英國公司...咁程序上係英國公司會向英國玩具商(e.g. bob builder, Thomas)買royalty來生產玩具。 而我個客會支付royalty給英國公司。

另外, 英國公司有向英國稅務局支付tax on royalty。

請問英國公司是否需要支付(收取了我個客的royalty)tax on royalty給香港稅局?

回答 (2)

2010-03-04 12:31 am
✔ 最佳答案
The IRD in Hong Kong will not require your client for any tax evidence, royalty, being paid to UK Toys Association. Rather, the IRD will ask you for any royalty payment agreement between your client and the UK company. In theroy, it is not a royalty payment obligation of your client but only an reimbursement payment to that UK company incurring this expense. It is the terms of sales of the UK company to your client that such an expense has to be absorbed by your client and being part of the purchase cost.
2010-03-04 6:29 am

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