
2010-03-03 9:12 pm
1. We polish the Polish furniture.
polish: 磨光, Polish: 波蘭
2. The dump was so full it had to refuse refuse.
refuse: 拒絕, refuse: 廢棄物
3. The present is a good time to present the present.
present: 現在, present: 呈現, present: 禮物
4. I did not object to the object.
object: 反對, object: 物品
5. The bandage was wound around the wound.
wound: 綁 wound: 傷口
6. They were too close to the door to close it.
close: 靠近, close: 關上
7. I shed a tear when I saw the tear in my clothes.
tear: 眼淚, tear: 撕破
8. I had to subject the subject to a series of tests.
subject: 受制於 subject: 主題

回答 (2)

2010-03-03 10:10 pm
✔ 最佳答案
"音"; 大階代表重音(強音)
polish: 磨光, Polish: 波蘭
"Paul"-"lish", "Pole"-"lish"

refuse: 拒絕, refuse: 廢棄物
"re"-"Fuse", "Ra"-“fuse"

present: 現在, present: 禮物,
present: 呈現,

object: 反對, object: 物品
"ob"-"Jet", "Ob"-"直t"

wound: 綁 wound: 傷口
好似普通話的「萬」-有像廣東話"灣"/更像廣東話「壞咗」那個「wan」字, 有點像白話廣東音「玩」意的高音

close: 靠近, close: 關上

tear: 眼淚, tear: 撕破
"T"-"牙", "Tae"-"牙" - "tae"係我作出來的,因為中文冇這個音字-好像廣東話個助語音「r呃」子前加t-「T呃」

subject: 受制於 subject: 主題
"sub"-"Jet", "Sub"-"直t"
2010-03-04 6:30 am



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