
2010-03-03 8:34 pm
資料a 的內容源自另一篇發問:
(簡稱資料a )「太陽的短波幅射內的所含物質是雲不能輕易吸收的,故此大部分能輕易穿透雲層。但當陽光到達地面後經吸收和反射會轉換成LONG WAVE折返回外太空,LONG WAVE中的物質會有所轉變,這是與SHORT WAVE不同的,而這些物質卻是雲層能夠吸收的。所以,大部份陽光的熱力並不是一開始穿過大氣層便可被吸收,而是到達地面後才可被吸收及儲存的。」

我知道太陽幅射是短波的,而地球所發出的幅射是長波的。我在參考書看到(簡稱資料b)﹕「Incoming radiation (100%)... 」(然後有個箭咀指向雲度)「clouds absorb small amounts(3%) and reflect large amounts(23%)」

我又在另一本書在一個叫「Generalised behavior of some important materials with respect to shortwave (solar) and longwavw (terrrestrial) energy」的表看到(簡稱資料c)﹕
第一行「Water vapor
Percentage of Atmosphere: trace; variable
Behavior with respect to shortwave radiation: transparent
Behavior with respect to longwave radiation: major absorption bands」
第二行「Liquid water (including clounds)
Percentage of Atmosphere: trace; variable
Behavior with respect to shortwave radiation: reflects some, absorb most
Behavior with respect to longwave radiation: obaque (absorbs virtually all)」

那麼資料c第二行所寫的「Liquid water (including clounds) reflects some and absorb most shortwave radiation」與資料b的「clouds absorb small amounts(3%) and reflect large amounts(23%) [incoming radiation]」以及資料a的「太陽的短波幅射內的所含物質是雲不能輕易吸收的,故此大部分能輕易穿透雲層」有所差異。究竟事實是應樣﹖

請問否再解釋「Water vapor」及「Liquid water (including clounds)」與「shortwave radiation」及「longwave radiation」表現的原因﹖

回答 (1)

2010-03-04 5:55 am
✔ 最佳答案
In fact, all your quoted information is not wrong. Solar radiation composes of a spectrum of a large range of wavelengths. Even for infrared radiation, certain wavelengths of infrared can transmit through water vapour without much absorption. Other wavelengths, especially the far infared, are absorpted by water vapour in the atmosphere.

Clouds generally contains water droplets and/or ice particles. The water droplets and ice particles reflect solar radiation better than water vapour does.

You may wish to look at the diagrams presented in the following web-page. The shaded areas show strong absorption. The third last diagram shows how water vapour in the air absorbs solar radiation of different wavelengths. You could see that there is less absorption for infrared with wavelength close to that of visible light, and at wavelengths around 3 micrometer, as well as in the range around 10 micrometer. Infrared of these wavelengths are not absorbed by water vapour in the air.

The last diagram gives the overall wavelengths of solar radiation that can reach the earth surface.


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