excel 問題

2010-03-03 10:57 am
如果b1=10,a2=20,b2=b1+a2=30,即b2=30,又a3=50,而b3=b2+a3=80,依此類推..........問題是不想見formalla 在b2,b3,b4,b5..............等在儲存格出現.該怎樣做,謝謝!

對不起,令你們誤會.我意思是如果b1=10,a2=20,則在b2設formalla =b1+a2,即結果是b2=30.對嗎?問題是當輸入b1=10時,b2已經顯示10了,我就是不想它顯示.意思是要b1=10,a2=20兩數字輸入完成才顯示可以嗎?謝謝!


sorry, 公式英文打錯了,應該是formula才對.

回答 (3)

2010-03-04 7:49 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. 在 B2 設定格式化條件
[Menu] - [格式] - [設定格式化條件]
設定 [儲存格的值] [等於] [=B1] (注意, 不要有$符號)
再按 [格式] button, 在更改 字形 的色彩=儲存格的底色 (一般為白色)

2. Copy and paste 去 B3, B4, B5 ......

以上方法是在未輸入 column A 數字時隱形了 formula, 希望幫到你.
2010-03-04 2:42 am
假設b2,b3, ... 的數值不再變, 你可以select b2-b100, 然後copy and paste value 即可
2010-03-04 1:39 am
I'm not quite understand you question, and have the following queries:

1: how to calculate A3? Is A3 = A2 + B2? If there is no formula for A3, there how could I "依此類推" for A4, A5, ...

2: You said "不想見formalla". Do you mean you don't want to see the cell value or really the formula in the cell? e.g. for cell B3, you don't want to see "80" or you don't want to see "=B2+A3"?

3: You said "問題是不想見formalla 在b2,b3,b4,b5..............等在儲存格出現". Do you mean you only want to see column A. For column B, it should appear as a blank column?

If the anser for query 3 is yes, then it is very easy. Just highlight the column B, and then choose font color to be white.

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