L/C documents 各項問題

2010-03-02 8:40 pm
要提交的文件裏, 其中一項
full set clean on board bill of lading issued to the order and blank endorsed marked freight payable at destination notify BBB / SSS.

BBB = 我個客
SSS = 唔知邊個, 估計係客的 freight broker

呢句 "blank endorsed marked freight payable at destination notify BBB / SSS." , 咁即係要點做呀,

please send documents by DHL courier or similar (the first mail) AND by registered air mail (the second mail) to :

CCC = 個客的銀行

d 文件要 send 2次? 一次through DHL, 第二次 through register air mail????

origin certificate "form a" in original and two copies issued by chinese competent authorities.

我收開的 form a 都係一張正本, 一張副本, 可以要2張副本的嗎 @@?
佢話要 "issued by chinese competent authorities", 即係唔可以自己 copy??

麻煩大家幫個忙 @@

回答 (3)

2010-03-02 11:57 pm
✔ 最佳答案
呢句 "blank endorsed marked freight payable at destination notify BBB / SSS." , 咁即係要點做呀,
1) BLANK ENDORSED = 要你地公司 (即係提單上的SHIPPER) O係3份正本提單背頁蓋上公司長印既公章及簽名
2) NOTIFY 要SHOW 兩個名, 你可以O係BOOKING 上寫明 NOFITY1) BBB & NOTIFY 2) SSS 如果你無SSS 既資料, 你最好問清楚個客
3) O係BOOKING 上內容最下面寫一句 "FREIGHT PAYABLE AT DESTINATION" 咁樣船公司出單時會特別寫明呢一句架啦

此要求係俾你既BANK 架. 所以唔駛你做架, 可以不理

1) 你最好叫你間厂申請時註明要2份副本. 因為BANK 見到呢個要求, 一般都會要ORG. COPY 架. 即係你平時收到既正本後面既副本.
如果你只俾影印既COPY 俾佢, 佢有權當你有不附點架 !
A) 你問清楚工厂, 可唔可以出到兩份副本俾你, 一般都OK既
B) 如果萬一工厂真係出唔到2張副本的話, 你最好就係叫個客改L/C 加多一句 "FORM A PHOTO COPY ACCEPTABLE.

2010-03-02 11:20 pm
"blank endorsed marked freight payable at destination notify BBB / SSS." , 咁即係要點做呀?
"blank endorsed" 即是在提單(bill of lading)背面蓋公司印及簽名, 而"marked freight payable at destination notify BBB / SSS", 即是在提單內容標示有"freight payable at destination", 而 Notify Party一欄則要標示有 BBB 和 SSS 兩間公司.

please send documents by DHL courier or similar (the first mail) AND by registered air mail (the second mail) to : CCC
我想這個條款應該是比你嘅銀行睇嘅 (Instruction to presenting bank), 指示佢地要將文件分兩套用"DHL"同"Registered air mail"寄出, 所以你不需理會, 你公司入單個間銀行自己會識得點做.

origin certificate "form a" in original and two copies issued by chinese competent authorities.
我收開的 form a 都係一張正本, 一張副本, 可以要2張副本的嗎 @@?
佢話要 "issued by chinese competent authorities", 即係唔可以自己 copy??
其實係可以要求兩張副本的, 但要你嘅廠同事喺做証時打埋.
如果你手上只有一張副本, 咁你可以自己影印兩張入銀行(除非L/C內註明photocopy not acceptable). 至於"issued by chinese competent authorities"只係話Form A 需由大陸政府授權嘅機構發出, 與是否自己copy係無關嘅

2010-03-02 10:53 pm
1)bill of lading show consigness: to the order
2)bill of lading show: freight payable at destination notify BBB / SSS(意思: 由目的地的BBB / SSS支付運費)由於佢有指示, 唔可以衹show freight collect
如果出現在documents required的話咁你就要再仔細睇佢要求你寄邊d文件,
參考: 自己

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