
2010-03-02 7:56 pm
Balance Sheet as of 30 June 2001

Fixed assets $2,000,000
Accumulated depreication $200,000

Van - Bought in Sept -2001 $300,000

Question :
The depreication policy on fixed assets is 10% per annum on those owned as of 31 December 2001

老師說, 無論那件fixed asset何時擁有, 都當1年10%計算, 只是我不知原本有的Fixed Asset 應該是以$2,000,000去計10% depreication 還是以Net Book Vaule $1,800,000去計算 ?

請高手教路 !

回答 (3)

2010-03-06 8:43 pm
✔ 最佳答案
照題目睇,佢話asset owned as of 31 dec 01,咁講多數year end date 都係31/12/2001. 咁如果佢做齊depn的話呢,係straight line呢就即係$2,000,000件asset啱啱depn左一年;如果係reducing,即係你要喺31/12/2000計左一次depn,再計1/1/2001至30/6/2001個depn,咁樣無論你當件asset幾時買都好,都應係計唔到一個齊頭200,000嘅acc depn出唻嘅,你可以試吓。

所以佢係straight line 唻。
參考: 自己
2010-03-04 8:07 am
Straight line method - the annual depreciation 10% is calculated based on cost.

Reducing balance method - the annual depreciation 10% is calculated based on net book value or net carrying amount.

Your teacher is correct no matter when the fixed asset is purchased, the annual depreciation rate 10% will be applied to this fixed assets.

If using straight line method, the depreciation of 2001 is $230,000. If using reducing balance method, the depreciation of 2001 is $210,000.
2010-03-02 9:13 pm
話明每年10%, 所以係用cost 來計.

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