How to prevent Insurrection?

2010-03-01 10:52 am
How to prevent Insurrection? What should we do to avoid the riot? I am doing a design project about peaceful demonstrations ! To teach the youth express their discontent without using violence.
Could you show your creative idea? Thanks!

回答 (2)

2010-03-01 6:18 pm
✔ 最佳答案
The Civil Rights movement of the '60's is the perfect example. Blacks were in the minority and did not have any political power. The Whites in control had no incentive to give it up.
Rev. King used non violent tactics, such as marches, sit ins, etc. which quite often triggered violence on the part of the authorities.
This got the attention of most Americans who watched the dogs, whips, water cannons, on TV and began to question the status quo. Gaining the support of the majority got civil rights legislation passed.
Compare that to the Black Panthers or other violent groups. Such actions become counter productive to any such cause they were supposedly fighting for.
2010-03-01 7:23 pm
here's a short clip on how one guy dealt with this issue. study well his works when you can find them.

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