
2010-03-02 7:06 am
ln(x-2) = ln(2-1)+3

我想問點解呢題個答案係NO SOLUTION??
頭埋我想知係唔係 ln e=1?


係呀,打錯左,唔好意思, should be ln(x-2) = ln(2x-1)+3

回答 (2)

2010-03-02 7:50 am
✔ 最佳答案
ln(x-2) = ln(2x-1)+3
In(x-2) = In(2x-1) + In e^3
In(x-2) = In[(2x-1)(e^3)]
x-2 = (2x-1)(e^3)
x-2 = (2e^3)x - e^3
(2e^3 - 1)x = e^3 - 2
x = (e^3 - 2) / (2e^3 - 1)
x = 0.4617....

In(x - 2) = In(0.4617.... - 2) = In(-1.5383) = no solutions
In e = 1 is correct,

Because e^1 = e , so In e = log (base e) e = 1

2010-03-02 7:19 am
Are you typing wrongly in the question?

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