
2010-03-01 7:37 pm


回答 (3)

2010-03-02 5:34 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Originally they wanted to pay the property off in full. But their accountant advised them not to because it could not be properly accounted for in the books. The accountant told them to get a bank loan instead so as not to risk being investigated by you.

They have a separate bank account with HSBC in Hong Kong, into which they periodically deposit money for tax evasion ( this Hong Kong account has not been reported for your knowledge).
2010-03-02 3:38 pm


2010-03-01 9:29 pm
佢 buys the property is originally thought also compared to has exposed to the sun the money, but is 佢 accountant calls 佢 not to be good, because of number, therefore accountant calls 佢 to ask the bank loans, 咁 cannot compare you first to look up.
Outside 佢 is Hong Kong already hsbc makes to have a registered permanent address, 佢 can evade taxes once in a while already Qian Ruluo to go. (Is the Hong Kong already registered permanent address 佢 is does not have reports compares you to know already)

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