急! 見工面試英文介紹~ 20點

2010-03-01 12:11 pm
遲下就來要去見工, 請代為翻譯為英文. 大約1~2分鐘ok!
X先生/X小姐, 你好! 先謝謝你(們)給予我這次面試機會!
我叫XXX. 今年XX歲. 居住於XX. 本人中五畢業後並修讀課程取得XXXX證書.
有大約2年關於銷售的經驗, 對上一份工作是在XXXX工作了1年. 主要負責介紹及推銷公司服務和續約等等. 因為合約期滿, 而本人又想轉轉工作環境和吸收多些工作經驗, 所以我好希望能夠加入貴公司. 請貴公司給予我這次工作機會, 亦希望我之前獲得的工作經驗對貴公司的業務有幫助! 謝謝!
還有什麼是欠缺的話, 請幫忙更正或附加.
因本人英文不佳, 用詞不用太深, 容易記就可以了. THX!

回答 (2)

2010-03-02 12:08 am
✔ 最佳答案
因為去見工,接見者未嘗認識你,故而不適宜一開就 Hello, 又不應如初被第三者介紹認識新朋友地向對方說 How do you do? 的, 只要禮貌地向對方不卑不亢地說 Good morning(或 afternoon) sir (女的就說 Good morning madam) 作為開塲白就很得體了。關於自我介內容可為口語化,如非必要則不要用深字,但文法不要錯,在下就你所述的內容舉例如下:

Good morning sir, I must first of all thank you for giving me a chance for this
interview. My name is XXX(最好說全名)and I am twenty two years old, living
in ( XXX居住地區). After my Form five graduation, I furthered my study and
acquired a XXX certificate(或diploma).

I have 2 yaers experience as a sales reprsentative and I have been working
in my present job for just over a year(或for about a yaer 或 for almost a year,視乎你的實况而定) and my main duty is to introduce and promote the
Company's services and renewal of contracts with our clints(或customers).

As my service contract with the Company will soon expire and I am looking
forward to work in a better company like this one so that I shall (或說I'll) be
able to learn more and better for myelf. I do hope I'll(即 I shall) be able to
become one of your Company staff. I shall be grateful if you will kindly
consider my application(可加for the post) and I am confident that my past working experience will be of some help to my job in your Company. Finally, may I hereby sincerely thank you for this interview.

我之所以不用的原文說希望改變工作環境因為那是大忌,老闆會懷疑你是否有轉工癮或難以和同事相處的人就會顧慮到將你訓練好又或工作不久又' 想轉工
作環境' 又走人的可能性而不考慮聘用你也。再者你不須說明你以前工作會對該公司業務有幫助, 我末段的文句已暗示了。上述是我用最淺白而又易記的詞
句寫出而又不失原意,最好你把全文抄起唸熟更佳。最後一提你的是見完後臨走時向對方說一句:" Thank you again and have a good day " 包有你着數。
祝好運 !

2010-03-01 5:15 pm
X先生/X小姐, 你好! 先謝謝你(們)給予我這次面試機會!
Mr/Mrs X, hello! Thank you for providing me this valuable interview opportunity!

我叫XXX. 今年XX歲. 居住於XX. 本人中五畢業後並修讀課程取得XXXX證書.
My name is XXX, currently XX years old. I live at XX. Upon graduation, I received XX certificate.

有大約2年關於銷售的經驗, 對上一份工作是在XXXX工作了1年.
I have around 2 years of sales experience. I have been working at my previous workplace, XXX, for one year.

I was mainly in responsible for introducing and advertising company services and renewing contracts.

因為合約期滿, 而本人又想轉轉工作環境和吸收多些工作經驗, 所以我好希望能夠加入貴公司.
I have reached the end of my work contract, and would like to change my work environment as well as build onto my previous work experience. Thus, it would be my great pleasure to work for your company.

請貴公司給予我這次工作機會, 亦希望我之前獲得的工作經驗對貴公司的業務有幫助! 謝謝!
Please grant me this great opportunity. I hope that the skills and experience I bring along can be an asset to your company. Thank you!

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