I need an answer. Please help meeeeee.?
kay so my best friend and i had an argument cause i was mad at her cause she wasn't eating. so she told me she was sick of me complaining and didn't wanna be friends anymore. turns out she went to the hospital and was told she had an eating disorder, she texted me saying she hoped i was happy. obviously i wasnt. so shes still not talking to me after like 2 weeks and its making me sad cause she and i were tight. i donno what to say or do cause i wanna be friends with her but she doesn't. uuuughhhhh i hate thiiiis,
回答 (8)
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What you need to tell her is the reason you bugged her is because you cared. The true sign of caring about another human being is loving or caring enough to sacrifice the relationship or friendship for their well being. You did the right thing in bugging her and you need to point out that you would have been a terrible friend if you sat there did nothing. I personally am proud of you. You are doing the right thing. She will eventually come around. The way eating disorders work is that she has NO clue that she has one and she is insulted by the fact that you suggest such a thing. It is like trying to convince a crazy person that they arent crazy. You did the right thing and after time and a little therapy she will come around. Just tell her that you did what you did because you cared. Again i am proud you are a good friend. Good luck trust me same thing happened between me and my girlfriend. Everything turned out fine. Good luck!
參考: Anorexic girlfriend.
She probably feels bad about herself and feels like you got it good in life. Just go see if you can talk to her, at least she has a friend who cares for her and actually is their when she needs someone. And she shouldn't do that to you that's not loving as a friend to ignore you. I heard that it's childish to ignore somebody. But if she is really your Friend she would talk to you. She probably feels embarrassed and mad because she had this problem and you don't. But it's not your fault so don't think it is.
friendships can be sticky. i presume you are much younger, and adolesense is a tough period for maintaining healthy relationships. i think your friend might be either scared or confused, or mad because she thought she had control over her eating habits but was suddenly told by a doctor that she is being unhealthy. among many many other things, eating problems are often related to self-control - people want to have control over certain aspects of their life, which is especially common for younger girls, who often feel constricted by their home (parents) and social life (friends, school, boys, peer pressure, etc). you were trying to be a good friend, and it sounds like you are, but it's up to your friend to make the decision. if not, there isn't really anything you can do. it's sounds selfish, but move on. you deserve better friends.
meet up, arrange to meet and talk. Give her contact info from you. i'm sure she isn't mad : )
trust me : )
dont feel bad. tell her that you will always be there for her and that if she cant accept that than its to her own disadvantage. dont look at her as much as you do because she will obviously know you care. I know that i look at people when i want them to be friends at me a lot more often to see if they ever catch a glimpse or have any amount of sympathy in their expression. Get her to crawl back to you. Goodluck. (:
write her a letter. dont put a returning address on it. you can write down everything you just told me and tell her that you really love her and want her back as your friend and that you would never want her to be hurt. then you dont put a returning address, so when she gets it, she will have to open it first to find out who its from and wont throw it away without knowing its from you. after she opens it, she will most likely read it and maybe things will be okay. if not, then at least you know you tried.
good luck! hope this helps!
Go apologize even if u mean it or not
it seems like she still cares about you
just type an email saying that you are sorry
i think she will forgive you
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