We hate my mom's boyfriend, and want him out advice please, it has a lot of writing to it.. sorry?

2010-02-28 6:07 pm
My mom is with this guy, but they have been together a long time. She has a job and goes to school, and he tries to convince her to get another job because "she doesnt make enough for this family", yet he suposedly works when all he does is sit down and work on a computer, but seems to never have money. he's always asking her for money, and she gives it when she doesnt have it. around christmas she got like 3,000 dollars, so she said wed actually have a good christmas, and as soon as he found out he asked her for 1200 for a truck, plus money to fix it and buy parts. Thats only one.. but I dont want to bore you. She's trying to get a car, and she only has a few thousand. But he aqsmks money here money there and she gives it. but, Im in high school and wanted a class ring, not an expensive one, but she said she doesnt have it because of her car, so I let it go. the next day, she gave him 80 dollars for no reason. He has a nice truck that she paid for and now that she needs one, he convinced her to get a $400 car that has a dead battery and it is busted up and ugly. when his is spacious and in great condition. he bosses us around, and over rides my mother with everything. he speaks rudely to my brothers because they have ADHD, and calls them stupid, and tells them to shut up, and uses them like slaves. when it snows, they do the shoveling, and he brings them to boston to rake, and shovel his "office" yet he never has money. I have a boyfriend of 2 years, who I love, and he tries to convince my mom not to like him, and is trying to say my manshould go to the army, and makes my bf feel really uncomfortable with things he says. He talks about me being over weight and i should go on a diet, and teases me saying if i want chocolate cause he's geting fat, and he's not.. he says when he was my age he wasnt so big and didnt eat so much. I weigh 158 and im 5'6". My moms never says anything cause she says she doesnt want to argue. We tell her how we feel and she doesnt want to listen. My brothers want to go live with their father because of him, but I cant cause my dad wants nothing to do with me. I dont want him here anymore, he's tearing our family apart. All he does it sit around, and she does everything including paying bills.. please. and when I speak up, I get yelled at and he convinces her not to let me see my boyfriend, no phone, etc. I hate living here, but I love my mom. I'll be turning 18 next month, but I dont want to leave my brothers behind

When I cried because of his jokes, and told my mom his coments about my weight hurt, she said if i lost weight he'd have nothing to coment about. she said thats what she does. I hate this place!

回答 (2)

2010-02-28 6:19 pm
✔ 最佳答案
wow, that dude ...
its really thoughtful of you that u care about hoe ur mom and ur brother feel
i think ur mom enjoys paying bills for her lover. u know when u fall in love, you will do everything for him/her.
u can't really blame ur mom.
About her bf, just try to ignore him and maybe u can find a part time job, so you don't have to rely on your mom and bring pressure to her
its really hard for her to decide whether to help u or her bf, since she likes and cares about u and her bf.
However, u can't start hating on her bf. Yes, he is just sitting around and doing nth everyday, but maybe he helped ur mom before that you never know of. Maybe he IS doing his work on the computer, cuz some ppl just buy stocks these days and quit their jobs, but they can still earn a lot.
2010-02-28 6:10 pm
I admit I did not read all of this.. but are you serious??? Are you your mothers keeper? She is entitled to date whomever she wants, she is a grown woman. Just cause you have a problem with this guy does not give you the right to butt into her relationships.

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